Difference Between Anime and Manga
Anime vs manga
Anime and manga are both related to Japan. Anime is related to animation whereas manga is related to comics. It has been said quite often that both anime and manga are very much related, that they come with similar series. Â
When comparing the art quality, anime has a better art quality than manga. In anime, thirty frames run per second, which gives it a much better quality. Almost all the anime have billions of images that add to the beauty. The frames form cells, which completes the series.
Unlike anime, manga uses panels to draw images. Each page is separate and each of the pictures are drawn. This creates the storyboard. In manga, one can come across more space for placing words. As a whole, it can be said that manga has only less pages when compared to anime. Â
All Anime characters come in full colour. Anime uses a sharper colour with fewer details when compared to manga. In manga, only the front, back and inside covers have coloured characters. Â
Then there is the difference of the background. Anime always have a background, whereas manga does not come with one. No anime character is shown in a completely white background. Each of the scenes has different backgrounds according to the situation. The background is drawn even for the thoughts of an anime character. In manga, background is not a must. A manga character can easily pass from one page to the other without much of a background.
Anime has more action or more movement when compared to manga. The anime seems to be livelier than manga.
- Anime is related to animation whereas manga is related to comics.
- Anime has a better art quality than manga.
- In anime, thirty frames run per second, which gives it a much better quality.
- Unlike anime, manga uses panels to draw images.
- In manga, one can come across more space for placing words.
- As a whole, it can be said that manga has only less pages when compared to anime.
- Anime has more action or more movement when compared to manga.
- Anime always has a background, whereas manga does not come with one.
- All Anime characters come in full colour. Anime uses a sharper colour with fewer details when compared to manga. In manga, only the front, back and inside covers have coloured characters. Â
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A step further. Manga are Japanese comic books but unlike Western syle comix manga usually make sense and are not jammed with adverts to buy crap and junk.
Most and I mean like 99.9% of anime films and series originated from manga. The largest manga publishing house in Japan and all of the world is Shonen Jump and you will find SJ in almost every anime credits somewhere.
Foremost amongst them is Bleach. Bebop, InuYasha, Ghost in the Shell, Gurren Lagann, etc. ALL began as SJ manga titles.
Unlike comix and books and mags and papes over here in the West manga and other reading literatures read down to up and right to left. Many manga have now become Westernized to the extent that they at least print in other languages rather than Kanji script or even Romaji Japanese writings.
Romaji is Japanese written using 24 of our 26 letter alphabet. Q and L are omitted although in Japanese all r’s are pronounced as L’s. In Chinese now ‘Q’ is a predominant letter in their writings.
Anime are (like all Japanese words anime is both singular and plural) the animated versions of manga and other forms of literature or adaptations from other sources. Think of them as animated TV shows and movies. Unlike many Western (dare I say the dreaded word?) Cartoons (Yuck!!) anime are not pen and ink drawings that have been made to move and talk. Anime is almost totally CGI or computer generated imagery done almost entirely on computers. See? George Lucas ain’t the only one to use CGI in his flicks!
One last point and if you’d like more insight you are welcome to peruse our files here:
Unlike cartoons (I must stop saying that word) which let’s face it are dull, stupid, moronic and geared towards five year olds anime are intelligent, well thought out and planned, have a plot, a theme, subplots (usually lots of those), memorable characters, better voices (most anime buffs prefer subbed anime but many like myself prefer dubbed anime. Give me Johnny Yong Bosch or Dave Lucas over any seiyuu (Japanese voice actor) any day) and most important to me anyway anime stick to more historical, mythological, religious (Shinto or Buddhism) and legendary facts or assertions and do much more research than do Western animators like Disney. The closest animators in the West in y opinion are the Hensons’ Muppets. Their versions of Treasure Island and A Christmas Carol although not exactly totally accurate were at least pretyy close to the way Stevenson and Dickens envisioned them- more so than Disney’s versions ever dared.
Well so much for my ni yen (two cents). Sayonara and see you soon. Keep your stick on the ice tomodachi mai (my very good friends)- JKMc/K&K aka the Scion fka the Keiman of Anime- Brookhaven PA-USA
Thank you so much for such a description on these. May I ask you where Hentai fits in with the Manga & Anime?