Difference Between Abroad and Overseas
Abroad vs Overseas
When talking of Abroad and overseas, the two terms are same. If someone asks about the difference between abroad and overseas, it can be difficult to make out a difference between the two. Abroad and overseas are used as synonyms and used interchangeably.
When talking of the two terms, abroad is used more commonly than overseas. When people talk of going out of their country, they usually refer to as going abroad rather than going overseas.
Both abroad and overseas refers to going out of one’s country to another foreign country. Overseas usually refers to going out of one’s country beyond the sea. The term is related to countries across the sea. Abroad also refers to going out of one’s own country to another country but it does not specific going beyond the sea.
Abroad can be referred to crossing a main land. For example, a person going for France to Germany can say that he is going abroad. On the other hand, if a person goes from India to Sri Lanka, he can say that he is going overseas as there is sea between the two countries.
In English Language, both abroad and overseas are used in different ways. The two words are used differently as adjectives. When abroad is always used after the word it describes, Overseas is used before the noun.
When the two words are used as adverbs, they are not interchangeable. One can say that travelers from US are going abroad when they travel to Canada. But one cannot say that they are going overseas
When comparing abroad and overseas, which have the same meaning, one cannot come across much difference.
1. Abroad and overseas have the same meaning and one cannot come across much difference between the two. Abroad and overseas are used as synonyms and used interchangeably.
2. When talking of the two terms, abroad is used more commonly than overseas.
3. Overseas usually refers to going out of one’s country beyond the sea. The term is related to countries across the sea. Abroad also refers to going out of one’s own country to another country but it does not specific going beyond the sea.
4. Abroad can be referred to crossing a main land.
5. When abroad is always used after the word it describes, Overseas is used before the noun.
6. When the two words are used as adverbs, they are not interchangeable.
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