Difference Between Israel and Judah
Israel vs Judah
Israelites had a single kingdom during the reigns of Solomon and David. After the death of Solomon, the country was divided into two independent kingdoms. The southern region came to be called Judah which consisted of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. Jerusalem was their capital. The northern region was called Israel which comprised the remaining ten tribes. They had the capital at Samaria.
Israel, which was a part of Palestine, is now a republic in the Middle East. It is bordered in the north by Lebanon, east by Jordan and Syria, south by the Gulf of Aqaba, southwest by Egypt, and west by the Mediterranean Sea. Jerusalem, which was once the capital of Judah, is now the capital of Israel.
Even from earlier times, Israel was a larger region than Judah. It was also more prosperous than the southern region of Judah. But in 722 B.C., Israel ceased to exist as a kingdom after it was conquered by the Assyrians. History also states that the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem in
586 B.C., and the citizens were taken captive. It was after the Persians conquered Babylon that the Judahites could return.
In the original Greek text of the New Testament, one cannot see any differences in the names ‘Judah, Jude,’ and ‘Judas.’ But in the English translations, ‘Judah’ is described as a tribe; ‘Judas’ is used for Judas Iscariot, and ‘Jude’ for other persons. According to the Bible, ‘Israel’ was the name conferred on the patriarch Jacob after he fought with an angel of God.
Today, Israel is a hot spot with the Arab people raising opposition against the formation of the country. Israel is now the home of the Jews, and it was proclaimed a nation in 1948.
1. The Israelites had a single kingdom during the reigns of Solomon and David, but the region was divided into Judah and Israel after the death of Solomon.
2. The southern region came to be called Judah which consisted of the tribes of Benjamin and Judah. The northern region was called Israel which comprised the remaining ten tribes.
3. Israel was a larger region than Judah. It was also more prosperous than the southern region of Judah.
4. Jerusalem, which was once the capital of Judah, is now the capital of Israel.
5. Samaria was the capital of the earlier kingdom of Israel.
6. In the original Greek text of the New Testament, one cannot see any differences in the names ‘Judah, Jude’ and ‘Judas.’
7. According to the Bible, Israel was the name conferred on the patriarch Jacob after he wrestled with an angel of God.
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thanks so much i need more messages
God bless you for your teaching. please I want you to send me through my mail some scriptures to back the teachings on Jerusalem and Judah. Thanks
This line is incorrect. ” Israel, which was a part of Palestine, is now a republic in the Middle East.”
Israel was never part of Palestine. Rome invaded and sacked Jerusalem which is located in Israel. To humiliate them further the Roman Empire renamed the area Palestine.
The city of Jerusalem and land of Israel historically belongs to the Jews. The area that continues to be called Palestine to this day actually belongs to the Jews not the Middle East.
Thinking Palestine from earlier Greek meaning: Land of the Philistines.
Yes, I am happy you corrected the line that Israel was never apart of Palestine… SHE always has been Israel but Roman renamed it Palestine to add insult to injury. SHE will always remain Israel the homeland of the Jew where the LORD placed HIS name in Jerusalem it’s Capital.
You are so right!
I thought that statement . Thanks for clarifying that
Thanks for this teachings pls may send me some of your teachings on my mail
Yes! Thank you for stating that fact. When I read the article I cringed when I read their statement you highlighted. People need to know the truth.
Are the two kingdoms (nations), Jeroboam’s and Rehoboam’s?. Do they still each other as one?. And what is the capital of Judah?
Thanks so much for the job well done. You open my eyes more, I’m grateful indeed.
During the time of Jeremiah of Jeremiah 27-28, were there two temples and two kings one each in Judah and Israel? If so who was the king of Israel? And did Jeremiah preach in both places?
Thanks so much. I’m grateful indeed
I love this teachings can you please send me more of your teaching through my mail
Just completed a study on the Book of Revelation and Daniel. Presently doing Jeremiah. These comments are extremely helpful with my understanding. Even the comments (whether for or against) made makes me do more research. Good work. Please feel free to send any comments via email.
Equally I am just stating my studies in Jeremiah, after finishing Isaiah
I Need More Knowledge About The City Of Israel And Why Mosque Still Remain In Jerusalem Because I Lean That Jerusalem Is A Holy Land For Christian And Mecca Is For Muslim And Muslim Will Never Allow Church To Stand Beside Them In Mecca.Both My Parent Were From Islamic Home That Means We Were Born And Brought Up In Islamic Home Before We Accept Christ Jesus,then In Islam They Told Us That Israel Is A Muslim Because Jesus (Anabi Isah )Also Is A Muslim.Am A Chritian Now A Bible Beliver Who Believe In Christ Jesus And His Teaching And What I Read And I See Show Me That Israel Belong To Christian And Jews.I Need More Explanation Thanks.My Name Change To Emmanuel
Am interested on this. Thanks
love this teachings can you please send me more of your teaching through my mail
This teachingsite are helpful am happy to get more knowledge from the bible study. Can give me more in the new testament survey?
I love this teaching, it’s very helpful to me as an evangelist. Thanks a lots.
Thanks for the teaching
Please could you help with teachings or materials on the 70 weeks of Daniel and study materials on Books of Daniel and Revelation.
Thank you.
Pls I love this teaching I will love to know more about the history of Israel
This is really great insight, thank you for sharing
Thank you very much for the explanation related to the Israel and Judah and it is really helpful for me to see how it is different and connected. Please send me more material related to the analysis in the bible because I am really eager to learn more about my bible for my spiritual maturity growth.
Thanks so much
I have found this teachings and discussions very knowledgeable
I am a leader of a Women Bible class and it will help me lot
Kindly send further teachings via my email
Great teachings
This has been helpful. Thanks and God bless you.
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
May God bless you
Thanks so much please feal free to share more through my email
You tend to make people think in the beginning of your descriptions of capital is r e Al. That Israel occupies Palestinian territory. Later you show that is real became a state in 1948. Shame on you.
You tend to make people think in the beginning of your descriptions of capital is r e Al. That Israel occupies Palestinian territory. Later you show that is real became a state in 1948. Shame on you.
Thanks for your explanations on the two kingdoms, Judah and Israel.
Hello every one. Im Saddan Khan, pathan, and i live in peshawar pakistan. I have learned from many resources and even our graduation level text books states that pathans are one of the tribes of bani israel. Can u please educate me little about that? If u have any knowledge regarding pathan tribe
What exactly is the belief of Israel and Judah,
Christianity or Judaism
Thanks for the wonderful teaching. Please can you send me more teaching on the book of 1 Kings.
And also I want to know the coastal of Judah. Thanks
What is the difference between Christianity & Judaism?. Iam getting clarification through your teaching. Thank you so much sir
Kindly send me more of these teachings on Israel and Judah through my e-mail . very educative indeed.
Teach me more on the Prophecies of Prophet Daniel, especially on the 70 weeks , and its connection with the book of Revelation , through my e-mail.
thank you for explaination.
Teach me more why is there is unstoppable war between the Christians and Moslim