Difference Between Right and Wrong
Right vs Wrong
Ethics or moral philosophy studies morality and serves as a guide for people in choosing the right path in life. The concept of what is good and evil can be confusing because what one may conceive as bad may be conceive as acceptable to another.
There are many factors that can affect how an individual views a conduct or an act as good or evil. It is rooted deeply in how he is brought up and how he is influenced by his environment. The greatest factor that can affect one’s concept of right and wrong is religion.
Just a few years ago, before the world experienced the last world war, the line between what is right and what is wrong was clearly defined. People were more religious and adhered to the standards that were set by society.
People were aware of which things were right and which were wrong. Although some of them follow the wrong path, many chose to stay on the right one because it was what was acceptable. How can you tell if what you do or choose is the right or the wrong thing?
Some primatologists believe that man is born with a moral grammar that provides him with the ability to generate moral judgment. They argue that parents and teachers only aid in the development and application of this innate moral grammar. Through this, an individual can choose to do the right thing which is one that conforms to the law, to justice, and to morality. It is what is in accordance with reason and what is deemed as proper and desirable.
To choose the wrong thing means that one commits an act that is contrary to the law, morality, and conscience. It is not in accordance with the truth and what is considered as an appropriate or suitable behavior or conduct.
The word “right” comes from the Latin word “rectus” which means “straight” or “right” and came to the English language through the Old English word “riht” which means “just, fair, proper, or good.”
The word “wrong,” on the other hand, comes from the Latin word “pravus” which means “crooked.” It developed its use to connote a bad, immoral, or unjust behavior in the 1300s.
1.Doing the right thing is an act that is in accordance with the law, justice, and morality while doing the wrong thing is an act that is not in accordance with morality or the law.
2.The right way is one which is proper, appropriate, and suitable while the wrong way is one which not suitable or appropriate.
3.The word “right” is from the Latin word “rectus” meaning “straight” while the word “wrong” is from the Latin word “pravus” meaning “crooked.”
4.Doing the right or the wrong thing depends largely on the individual and how he is brought up and how environmental factors have affected the way he behaves or acts.
5.Each man is born with the ability to choose which path to follow, but deeply religious individuals tend to do the right thing more often than those who are not.
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In terms of my understanding; the is nothing like wrong or right, but we are just using those word for to be favored. Example A person can say you’re doing wrong when you are believing into the script (bible) because that person knows nothing or is avoiding the word of God or he/she is believing differently than you!
Jesus lays out the foundations for a moral or ethical code. Without theses ethics that out government has centered its entire rule of law around. We have no foundation or no reason to pursue the same or any moral code at all. The difference between right and wrong is defined by a view portrayed by the world that has no foundation and is only defined by ourselves and what WE believe. That cannot last.
The author, Emelda M, is suggesting that those who are religious are more likely morally upright than non-religious people. Commenter Joseph follows up with his own views that without religion, the world will be in chaos. They are both wrong about secular members of society.
3. Atheist ethics
Julian Baggini
‘Atheist ethics’ shows that morality is more than possible without God; it is entirely independent of him. That means atheists are not only more than capable of leading moral lives, they may even be able to lead more moral lives than religious believers who confuse divine law and punishment with right and wrong. For both religious believers and atheists, moral choices ultimately have to be made by individuals. To provide a source for morality we need to do no more than sign up to the belief that certain things have a value and that the existence of this value provides us with reasons to behave in certain ways.