Difference Between Ideal and Real
Ideal vs. Real
Ideal and real are different states that are different in their connotations and meanings. Though people know that these two terms are not the same, they might find it hard to determine a difference. The term “real” is something that is permanent, and the term “ideal” relates to something that is suited for a certain purpose.
Both “real” and “ideal” are used in various situations when talking about culture, one’s self, life, and various things.
In metaphysics, the term “real” may refer to objects that cannot be destroyed. It refers to that which is true, all pervasive, omnipotent, all knowing, and ever existent. “Real” may also refer to a supreme entity which can be even called as the “Absolute.” In metaphysical terms, “real” is one that does not have birth or death. “Real” just means “reality.” On the other hand, “ideal” refers to something that is suitable. For example, when one says that all conditions are ideal for starting the game, it means that the condition is suitable.
“Real” is a term that displays originality. If a thing is described as real, it means it is very original and concrete.
When talking about culture, real culture means what happens in everyday life, and ideal culture means how one is supposed to behave on the basis of cultural values and norms.
With regard to the real self and the ideal self, psychologists have different explanations. According to them, a person with an ideal self is a dreamer who would dream about everything in life and be happy. On the other hand, a person with a real self does not dream but sees life in all its reality.
1.The term “real” is something that is permanent, and the term “ideal” relates to something that is suited for a certain purpose.
2.In metaphysics, the term “real” may refer to objects that cannot be destroyed. It refers to what is true, all pervasive, omnipotent, all knowing, and ever existent.
3.“Ideal” refers to something that is suitable. For example, when one says that all conditions are ideal for starting the game, it means that the condition is suitable.
4.If a thing is described as real, it means it is very original and concrete.
5.Real culture means what happens in everyday life, and ideal culture means how one is supposed to behave on the basis of cultural values and norms.
6.A person with an ideal self is a dreamer who would dream about every thing in life and be happy. On the other hand, a person with a real self does not dream but sees life in its all reality.
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