Difference Between Innate and Enate
These are two similar sounding words which differ in meaning.
Innate means inborn or natural. An innate quality or ability is one that you were born with, not one you have learned. An innate quality exists from the time a person or animal is born. Examples are below:
- Unlike her sisters who adore children, Sue does not have an innate desire to raise a family. (Unlike other women, Sue is not born with a desire for children.)
- While Jean is naturally shy, her sister has the innate ability to charm everyone she meets. (Jean’s sister has a natural inborn ability to charm everyone.)
- Dogs have an innate sense of loyalty to their masters. (Dogs are born with a sense of loyalty.)
- Sarah’s innate piano talent helped her play complicated pieces before she was six years of age. (Sarah’s inborn piano talent helped her play complicated pieces from an early age.)
- He suffered from heart disease which was a result of innate genetic defects. (He was born with defects in the heart.)
- Is leadership an innate quality or can it be taught to those who aspire to greatness? (Is leadership a quality one is born with or can it be taught?)
- Penguins are born with the innate inclination to live together. (Penguins are born with a natural and instinctive inclination to live together.)
- Cruelty and treachery seem innate in the behaviour of terrorists. (Terrorists seem to born with traits of cruelty and treachery.)
- While some people have an innate drive to succeed, others are happy doing nothing with their lives. (Some people have a natural urge to succeed, while others are happy doing nothing with their lives.)
- Her every waking moment is spent in trying to satisfy her innate desire for knowledge. (She has an inborn thirst for knowledge.)
- Mahatma Gandhi had an innate modesty and simplicity of character. (Mahatma Gandhi had an inborn modesty and simplicity of character.)
- Paul’s most impressive quality was his innate goodness. (Paul’s greatest quality was his natural goodness.)
On the other hand, “enate” is a noun meaning a relative whose relationship is traced only through female members of the family. For instance, a great grandmother is an enate if she is your mother’s mother’s mother!
Enate also means related to someone by female connections or maternal side of the family.
Some examples:
- My enate Aunt gave me a gorgeous pearl necklace for my birthday. (My mother’s sister gave me a gorgeous pearl necklace for my birthday.)
- He is very fond of his enate cousin called Sheila. (He is very fond of his mother’s sister’s daughter called Sheila.)
- John is Sheila’s enate cousin. (John’s mother and Sheila’s mother are sisters.)
- There is a tribe in India whose inheritance is passed on to enate female members only. (There is a tribe in India whose inheritance is passed on to female members from the mother’s side only.)
- My enate grandfather left his estate to his daughter. (My mother’s father left his estate to his daughter.)
- I have fifty-two enate cousins. (I have fifty-two cousins who are children of my mother’s brothers and sisters.)
- Harry’s enate grandfather emigrated from Italy fifty years ago. (Harry’s mother’s father emigrated from Italy fifty yeats ago.)
- Enate relatives are usually closer than agnate ones. (Relatives from one’s mother’s side are usually closer than those from the father’s side.)
- Since my mother was an only child, I have no enate cousins. (Since my mother was an only child, I have no cousins from her side of the family.)
- Maria’s enate aunt left her a fortune. (Maria’s mother’s sister left her a fortune.)
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