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Difference Between Group and Team

Group vs Team

Team and group are words that are used interchangeably, but the fact is they are different.

Team and group may refer to a cluster of people. The strength of a team mainly depends on the shared aims and connectivity between individuals, whereas a group’s strength mainly depends on the willingness of each individual to perform according to a leader.

It is easier to develop a group. For example, a cluster of accountants can be grouped according to the years of experience or expertise, gender, age and other factors. On the contrary, it is hard to constitute a team. This is because the members in a team are selected for their individual capacity and not as per single commonality.

A group may utilise many factors like discussions, pressure, argumentation and other means to bring out the talents of a member for a common aim. But the members of a team use his own individual abilities for a comprehensive result.

Forming a group takes less time when compared to forming a team. This is because in a group commonality of the individuals plays an active role and this commonality is not seen among members in a team.

While the absence of a team member can hamper the overall performance of a team, the absence of a group member is not likely to have any impact on the group as a whole.

Unlike the members in a team, in a group, the members go as per the leader’s command.


1. The strength of a team mainly depends on the shared aims and connectivity between individuals, whereas a group’s strength mainly depends on the willingness of each individual to perform according to a leader.
2. It is easier to form a group. On the contrary, it is hard to constitute a team. This is because the members in a team are selected for their individual capacity and not as per single commonality.
3. Unlike the members in a team, there is a need that the members go as per the leader’s command in a group.
4. Forming a group takes less time when compared to forming a team.
5. In a group, commonality of the individuals plays an active role and this commonality is not seen among members in a team.
6. While the absence of a team member can hamper the overall performance of a team, the absence of a group member is not likely to have any impact on the group as a whole.

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