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Difference Between Domain and Range

Domain vs Range

Domain and range are terms that are applicable to mathematics, especially in relation to the physical sciences consisting of functions. Domain and range are prime factors that decide the applicability of mathematical functions.

Mathematical function means the association between two groups of variables. In this case, domain is the independent variable and range is the dependent variable. In simple words, the variable along the X-axis is the domain and the variable along the Y-axis is the range.

Domain can also be defined as a group of numbers that suits an independent variable. And range can be defined as a group of numbers that suits a dependent variable.

An example from nature will clearly illustrate the difference between domain and range. The sun’s angle over the horizon during the course of the day is a fitting example to depict domain and range. The domain is the time between sunrise and sunset, whereas the range is the axis from 0 to the maximum elevation the sun will have on a particular day on a particular latitude.

Domain is also defined as a set of all probable input values. This means that the output value will depend on each member. On the other hand, range is defined as a set of all probable output values. Moreover, the values in a range can only be calculated by having the domain value.

Domain is what is put into a function, whereas range is what is the result of the function with the domain value.


1. Domain and range are prime factors that decide the applicability of mathematical functions.
2. Domain is the independent variable and range is the dependent variable.
3. The variable along the X-axis is the domain and the variable along the Y-axis is the range.
4. Domain is also defined as a set of all probable input values. On the other hand, range is defined as a set of all probable output values.
5. Domain is what is put into a function, whereas range is what is the result of the function with the domain value.
6. The sun’s angle over the horizon during the course of the day is a fitting example to depict domain and range. The domain is the time between sunrise and sunset, whereas the range would be the axis from 0 to the maximum elevation the sun will have on a particular day on a particular latitude.

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  1. It’s so good. I got it. Thanks a lot.

  2. It’s so good explanation. I got it. Thank you so much…

  3. Clealy, understand me domain and range with examples

  4. I liked the way it is explained….thanks a lot …it’s really difficult to find what exactly you need and to the point explanation on internet…thanks again☺️

  5. Perfectly explained

  6. I dont understsnd

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