Difference Between Anyone and Anybody
Anyone vs Anybody
Intermixing the terms anyone and anybody can be a common grammatical error which anyone can make. There are small subtle differences between when each word should be used. The word anyone means any single person, it is the singular form of the word. The word anybody, means any possible people, this is the plural form of the word. Plural words are used to address a group or multiples of people, and singular words are used when addressing only one person. When anyone is used, it is typically to differentiate one person from many: does anyone have a question, does anyone have an answer, is there anyone who can spare a quarter? The intent is to find just one single-bodied person who may offer their assistance, advice, or what have you, not a multitude of people. Anybody is used in a context where from a group there can be many, for instance: does anybody here have a dollar, does anybody see my keys, is there anybody who can drive? These questions seek out any and all persons who can respond, any number of people. Using anybody to address one person is considered improper English usage, as is using anyone when addressing a group of people considered wrong usage.
Clearly different, are the spellings and dictation of the two words anyone and anybody. Any is the prefix for both words, however the suffix in the singular form is one and the suffix in the plural word is body. Merely looking at the suffixes of the word should explain some of the minor differences in both. Both words are defined as pronouns which mean they can be substituted for a noun. Anyone and anybody can refer to students, men, women, or any person, place, or thing. If you were looking the words up in a dictionary, anybody would appear before anyone, and would be located after any and before the word anyhow. Anyone lives after the word anymore but directly before anyplace. While some consider the usage of both verbs to be universal, there are those who feel that anybody is not appropriate for formal conversations, and should be used only in private settings.
While the two words can be used in the same context, they remain different by standards set forth by the English language. However, the language is adapting and the two words are commonly interchanged for one another.
1. Anyone is the singular version of the word and anybody is the plural version. Both are used to mean any one person.
2. The words share the same prefix, however have different suffixes. Anyone ends in the singular suffix of ‘“ one and anybody ends in the plural suffix ‘“ body.
3. Anybody is before anyone in the dictionary, it is between anyone and anyhow. Anyone can be found between anymore and anyplace.
4. Anybody is sometimes considered inappropriate for formal conversations, it is more appropriate for personal conversations. Anyone is universally used in both formal and informal conversation settings.
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Quote: “While some consider the usage of both verbs to be universal”
For ‘verbs’ read ‘words.’
Anyone is a “possible single from a defined group” whereas anybody is “a possible random single”
Anybody is not a plural form. Say it out loud “Anybody are welcome.” You would never say that because it sounds incorrect because it is incorrect. I hope somebody…anybody is listening.