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Difference Between Management and Administration

management_bookManagement vs Administration

Management and administration may seem the same, but there are differences between the two. Administration has to do with the setting up of objectives and crucial policies of every organization. What is understood by management, however, is the act or function of putting into practice the policies and plans decided upon by the administration.

Administration is a determinative function, while management is an executive function. It also follows that administration makes the important decisions of an enterprise in its entirety, whereas management makes the decisions within the confines of the framework, which is set up by the administration.

Administration is the top level, whereas management is a middle level activity. If one were to decide the status, or position of administration, one would find that it consists of owners who invest the capital, and receive profits from an organization. Management consists of a group of managerial persons, who leverage their specialist skills to fulfill the objectives of an organization.

Administrators are usually found in government, military, religious and educational organizations. Management is used by business enterprises. The decisions of an administration are shaped by public opinion, government policies, and social and religious factors, whereas management decisions are shaped by the values, opinions and beliefs of the mangers.

In administration, the planning and organizing of functions are the key factors, whereas, so far as management is concerned, it involves motivating and controlling functions. When it comes to the type of abilities required by an administrator, one needs administrative qualities, rather than technical qualities. In management, technical abilities and human relation management abilities are crucial.

Administration usually handles the business aspects, such as finance . It may be defined as a system of efficiently organizing people and resources, so as to make them successfully pursue and achieve common goals and objectives. Administration is perhaps both an art and a science. This is because administrators are ultimately judged by their performance. Administration must incorporate both leadership and vision.

Management is really a subset of administration, which has to do with the technical and mundane facets of an organization’s operation. It is different from executive or strategic work. Management deals with the employees. Administration is above management, and exercises control over the finance and licensing of an organization.

Therefore, we can see that these two terms are distinct from one another, each with their own set of functions. Both these functions are crucial, in their own ways, to the growth of an organization.


1. Management is the act or function of putting into practice the policies and plans decided upon by the administration.

2. Administration is a determinative function, while management is an executive function.

3. Administration makes the important decisions of an enterprise in its entirety, whereas management makes the decisions within the confines of the framework, which is set up by the administration.

4. Administrators are mainly found in government, military, religious and educational organizations. Management, on the other hand, is used by business enterprises.

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