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Difference Between Education and Experience

education-experienceEducation vs. Experience

One can easily tell the difference between education and experience. As what is commonly observed in employment applications, employers either look for a prospect employee that has the best education, or the most experience. Often it is the case that they look for both.

Basically, the main separating factor between the two, is the source of knowledge. In regards to education, you will attain knowledge preferably from fine print materials, such as the theory learned through textbooks and the like. Hence, it is what you generally learn at school, knowing that schools primarily employ the book-based system of learning. On the contrary, experience offers knowledge based on any other aspect, other than the sources just mentioned. It is a very broad concept that consists of both knowledge and skills.

Education, in general, is a bigger concept, for it also includes experiences. It is a summation of all processes, of which humans hand over the theory learned from one generation, to the next. Education obtained in schools is specifically termed as schooling. Learning various subjects can help develop effective mental learning in students.

You can gain experience by being involved in a certain endeavor, like doing on-the-job trainings, and also by being exposed to related events, like the way you learn the lifestyle of a native tribe by living with them. Having been exposed to various set-ups, a person with great experience can be regarded as an expert of that field, or set-up. That’s why many scientists and philosophers alike, hail experience as the father of all education. It derives knowledge from empirical data. It is something that you can get from using your senses. Hence, the knowledge obtained by experience is accepted as empirical knowledge, although, education also utilizes different teaching modalities that use the senses (auditory learning, visual learning, etc).

There are various forms of experiences, which include mental, physical, emotional, spiritual, and many others. Conversely, education can be divided into stages of primary, secondary and tertiary, or higher education (non compulsory).

1. Education, in general, is a bigger concept compared to experience.

2. Education is best exemplified in learning from books, while experience is on-the-job trainings

3. The source of knowledge for education is in printed materials, whereas, with experience, the knowledge is gained either through involvement or exposure.

4. A person with great experience is called an expert, while a person with great education, is not always immediately regarded as an expert in his or her field.

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  1. Education is about talking about the experience that is about to come. Experience is the chance for you to use what you have learned. 🙂

  2. Experience and Education both play the vital role in life. Through education, we enhance our skills which help us gaining experience. Through experience, we expand our horizons.

  3. I like the Albert Einstein way of learning, when it comes to imagination & knowledge, I feel the subjects must be used with samples , not just verbal explanations. E. Art sketching & sleight of hand etc.

  4. Don’t forget that education is a key of success and happiness in your life,all does poor people are not educated and experience is a nature

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