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Difference Between IVF and IUI

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a time-consuming, multistep procedure in which the male and female gametes are fertilized in a laboratory. The resultant embryo is then placed into the womb.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the second most common fertility option for couples who want to conceive. Unlike IVF, in IUI the male gamete is inserted into the womb which can then later fertilize the female egg. Fertilization does not take place in the laboratory but rather in the human body.

What is IVF?


In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a time-consuming, multistep procedure in which the male and female gametes are fertilized in a laboratory. The resultant embryo is then placed into the womb.


The process of in vitro fertilization involves the stimulation of ovaries through hormonal or oral medications. The stimulation leads to the production of multiple follicles and eggs. Mature eggs are taken out by a fertility specialist through an outpatient procedure. General anesthesia is needed for this process. The eggs are fertilized with sperm on the same day. Successful embryos take several days to develop. Once they have developed, they are placed into the uterus. 

Genetic testing and gender selection:

The embryo in the IVF can easily be tested for any chromosomal abnormalities. Also, gender selection is possible via IVF. 

Success rate:

IVF has a higher success rate. 


The cost of IVF varies between $12000 to $17000.

What is IUI?


Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a common fertility option for people who are unable to conceive. Unlike IVF, in IUI the male gamete is inserted into the womb which can then later fertilize the female egg. Fertilization does not take place in the laboratory but rather in the human body.


IUI is a process in which a fertility specialist places the male gamete called the sperm into the uterus. Before its placement, the sperm is retrieved gently from the seminal fluid by washing it. In this way, the sperms are concentrated as compared to the seminal fluid that comes inside the uterus during intercourse.

Genetic testing and gender selection:

Genetic testing and gender selection cannot be done in IUI.

Success rate:

IUI has a poor success rate and often needs multiple rounds of the process to be done.


A single cycle of IUI costs between $3500 to $5000. It is cheaper than IVF, however, is less effective in one go therefore the total cost of multiple cycles becomes close to IVF.  

Difference Between IVF and IUI


In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a time-consuming, multistep procedure in which the male and female gametes are fertilized in a laboratory. The resultant embryo is then placed into the womb.

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is the second most common fertility option for couples who want to conceive. Unlike IVF, in IUI the male gamete is inserted into the womb which can then later fertilize the female egg. Fertilization does not take place in the laboratory but rather in the human body. 


The process of in vitro fertilization involves the stimulation of ovaries through hormonal or oral medications. The stimulation leads to the production of multiple follicles and eggs. Mature eggs are taken out by a fertility specialist through an outpatient procedure. General anesthesia is needed for this process. The eggs are fertilized with sperm on the same day. Successful embryos take several days to develop. Once they have developed, they are placed into the uterus. IUI is a process in which a fertility specialist places the male gamete called the sperm into the uterus. Before its placement, the sperm is retrieved gently from the seminal fluid by washing it. In this way, the sperms are concentrated as compared to the seminal fluid that comes inside the uterus during intercourse.

Genetic testing and gender selection:

The embryo in the IVF can easily be tested for any chromosomal abnormalities. Also, gender selection is possible via IVF. Genetic testing and gender selection cannot be done in IUI.

Success rate:

IVF has a higher success rate. 

IUI has a poor success rate and often needs multiple rounds of the process to be done.


The cost of IVF varies between $12000 to $17000.

A single cycle of IUI costs between $3500 to $5000. It is cheaper than IVF, however, is less effective in one go therefore the total cost of multiple cycles becomes close to IVF.  

Table of differences Between IVF and IUI


Which is more effective, IUI or IVF?

IVF has a higher success rate.

Is IUI or IVF painful?

IUI is less painful than IVF.

What is the disadvantage of IUI?

Genetic testing and gender selection cannot be done in IUI. IUI has a poor success rate and often needs multiple rounds of the process to be done.

Who is IUI recommended for?

Are IUI babies normal?


Can you pick gender with IVF?


Can IUI cause twins?

Yes, but very rarely.

Can you pick the gender of your baby with IUI?

Genetic testing and gender selection cannot be done in IUI.

Is the IUI process painful?

It is less painful than IVF.

What gender is more common with IUI?

Male newborns are more common in IUI.

How common are twins with IUI?

The chances are less than 2%.

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1 Comment

  1. You guys need to have more imformation about compare and contrast on IVF & AI.

    Thank you

    – Kaitlin Gregory

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References :

[0]Tomlinson, M. J., et al. "Infertility: prognostic indicators for intrauterine insemination (IUI): statistical model for IUI success." Human Reproduction 11.9 (1996): 1892-1896.

[1]Merviel, Philippe, et al. "Predictive factors for pregnancy after intrauterine insemination (IUI): an analysis of 1038 cycles and a review of the literature." Fertility and sterility 93.1 (2010): 79-88.

[2]Broekmans, F. J., et al. "A systematic review of tests predicting ovarian reserve and IVF outcome." Human reproduction update 12.6 (2006): 685-718.

[3]Image credit: https://www.canva.com/photos/MAEab1M0CXk-female-doctor-consulting-young-couple-patients-in-fertility-clinic-about-ivf-or-iui-/

[4]Image credit: https://www.canva.com/photos/MADCG781Q2c-ivf/

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