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Differences between blazer and suit jacket

It is common to confuse a blazer with a suit jacket or a coat etc. The mentioned cardigans are very similar in how they are worn and how they look. People may use the words of suit jacket when talking about a blazer and vice versa as they are very similar. The difference between the two cardigans arises if we closely look at how they are made and their material, their design etc.

A blazer is similar to a jacket and even resembles a coat but it is cut more casually. It usually has metal buttons and the cloth used is more durable than any other cardigan mentioned. It is like a jacket, but one that is used outdoors. Unlike a typical coat, a blazer is not always worn as a formal dress. It can also be worn to parties, schools etc. and can be made to give an informal look as well. A significant difference between a suit jacket and a blazer is the way they are cut. Not all menswear are clean-cut. Back in the olden days, a blazer referred to a mere jacket that had one of those professional colours (navy blue or black). There would be silver or gold metal buttons as well as patch pockets and a softer overall construction of the cardigan. The traditional blazer changed in the 19th century when the British royal navy changed their uniforms to what closely resembled what we call a blazer today. A suit jacket, however, has, from its inception, always referred to the jacket of a suit. The colour has more variation compared to the traditional blazer but is usually exactly the same as the trousers with which it is worn.

With respect to the look, suit jackets can be made as single or double breasted, notched, peaked, vented or unvented etc. They have shawl lapels and come in Italian, English and American styles. They say that a suit jacket is a sign of the confidence of a man! Blazers, on the other hand, are more fitted to the body but are still made to be roomier than suit jackets. These cardigans fill in the gap between formal and casual and also epitomize the concept of a gentleman!

The colour of a suit jacket can be any and some people also wear some very bright colours. A blazer would usually be navy or black, but is now popular in grey, tan and even some bright colours such as purple!

Moving on to pockets, a typical suit jacket has flap or jetted pockets. The latter ensures smooth lining of the suit. Most of the times, the pockets are sewn horizontally although sometimes diagonal pockets are also sewn. Blazers, on the other hand, have sport patch pockets. These are flat patches made of fabric and sewn directly onto the sides of the jacket. The pockets of a blazer are made in such a way that they always remain open!

The material used for a suit jacket is worsted wool that has been given a smooth and shiny appearance. The material is such that it drapes or hangs and that is unique to a suit jacket. Most materials used are seasonal although there is the typical fabric suit jacket that can be worn throughout the year. The fabric used in a blazer is sturdier and also smooth. Hot weather blazers are made out of silk or cotton.

Summary of differences expressed in points

1. Blazer; cut more casually. It usually has metal buttons and the cloth used is more durable than any other cardigan, can be worn to parties, schools etc. and can be made to give an informal look; suit jacket- the jacket of a suit, different to blazer in the way it is cut

2. Colour; blazer-usually navy, black, royal blue; suit jacket-has a variety of colours, colour is the same as pants of the suit

3. Suit jackets-made as single or double breasted, notched, peaked, vented or unvented etc., have shawl lapels, come in Italian, English and American styles; Blazer; more fitted to the body, roomier than suit jackets

4. Common sayings; suit jacket is a sign of the confidence of a man; blazers epitomize the concept of a gentleman

5. Suit jacket- flap pockets or jetted pockets; blazers- sport patch pockets, flat patches made of fabric, sewn directly onto the sides of the jacket, remain open always

6. Material; suit jacket-worsted wool that has been given a smooth and shiny appearance; blazer- sturdier and smooth fabric

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