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Differences Between Tribalism and Racism

Tribalism vs Racism

There are many differences between tribalism and racism. These two forms of social injustice are based on hate, whether hate for a group of people or hate for a certain race. These are damaging to society and to the people who live within the society and hinder the perspective of the young children. Many would ask, though, if both are based on hate on a limited notion of the value of human rights, then what exactly are the differences of tribalism and racism?

What is Tribalism and Racism?

Tribalism is known as the grouping and organizing of people into tribes. A tribe would also be a result of the same beliefs and religious and ethnic culture of the group of people who have decided to follow each other within their group. These people who are found within the tribe possess a strong identity and are known for certain beliefs which are different from other tribes that either make them enemies or friends to each other.

Tribalism is a common practice in the outskirts of Africa and in other places where Western civilization has not reached its borders. The tribes that form practice and help each other. They search for food for the tribe and often travel together, settling in places where there is enough food and water. Tribes are known to wear clothes that are unified and have the same language and beliefs. Most tribes refuse to understand the civilized ways of modern men and still practice their old customs. When compared to racism, it in a way can be related as tribes do not believe that those who are not part of their tribe are not better than them.

Racism is the belief that a certain race of people, usually of the same color, tend to have specific attributes that make them superior to other races and thus undermining the other races that are not of their own race. In many instances you can see that both are almost similar but tribalism and racism do have their differences.

What are the Differences of Tribalism from Racism?

The lesser evil would be tribalism as mentioned by many people and sometimes, tribes have the same races but have different beliefs and so that grouping of people take place. Racism tends to hinder people from getting employment, proper education, and causes insecurity and problems for those of a certain race because they are looked upon as inferior.

Tribalism does not hinder a person from getting employment and it does not undermine another who is from a different tribe unless the tribe it threatened. Racism tends to judge people by their race and stops all their rights because they are not of a “chosen” race. It is individually done and the most common is among the Americans and the Black Americans. Sociologists have long tried to understand the bond of tribalism and they have understood that these people stand for cultural belief while racism simply stands for hatred of those who are different from the common race in a place such as that in the United States.


Tribalism is known as the grouping and organizing of people into tribes. A tribe would also be a result of the same beliefs and religious and ethnic culture of the group of people that have decided to follow each other within their group.

Racism is the belief that a certain race of people, usually of the same color tend to have specific attributes that make them superior to other races and thus undermining the other races that are not of their own race.

The lesser evil would be tribalism as mentioned by many people and sometimes, tribes have the same races but have different beliefs and so that grouping of people take place. Racism tends to hinder people from getting employment, proper education and causes insecurity and problems for those of a certain race because they are looked upon as inferiors.

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  1. wow this is shit. tribalism can be applied to modern life, not just africans in literal tribes you dumb shit. your logic is fucked and went something like this….tribalism comes from tribes in africa, it is therefor not the same as racism.

  2. When its in the west its called racism in Africa tribalism

    • This site is great at giving specific examples of anything in America. I guess the example of Sudan and Rwanda couldn’t find a place in this article…

  3. So different races can be within the same tribe and racism can happen within the same tribes.

  4. Tribalism and racism are bad. Tribalism is not only in Africa, UK and Scandinavia all have tribes. Tribalism is different from racism. Tribalism is the grouping and organizing of people into tribes. These tribes are mainly of the same race. The affiliations are based upon their customs and tradition, religious beliefs, and ethnicity. These tend to be the criteria for which people aligned with certain clan benefited. They are showed favoritism because they belief the same, from the same village, and speak the same dialect. But these favors shown doesn’t undermine or necessitate the need to sideline someone who has the needed skill for certain remunerations e.g jobs, etc. Tribalism in its description aligns more with the definition of prejudice. I can see the reason someone will mistake them because they are very identical.
    Racism is the belief that a certain race of people, usually of the same color tend to have specific attributes that make them superior to other races and thus undermining the other races that are not of their own race. With tribalism, you could still get employment even if you are not of that tribe just because you have the needed skills, but with racism you could be the best at what you do and be over looked just because of the color of your skill. With tribalism, you could be arrested under the suspicious that you committed a crime, but with racism you could be arrested just for being black, and that is your only crime. I have seen people, mostly from African decent posting on social media trying to compare both, but they are very different. I know because i have experience both, and they are not the same thing. They both hurt, and bring pain, but one is a lesser evil than the other.

  5. What a lot of twaddle. Tribalism has existed for millions of years. A tribe is a group of people who are for some reason “like” each other. That’s still true today. In its most basic form, skin color must the a prime factor. If I’m black and you are white, I can tell from a hundred yards away that you’re not a member of my “tribe.” Is that racism? Of course. And in its primal sense, it’s caused by physical differences. Next it’s caused by differences in language and attitude. And lastly it’s caused by intellectual and philosophical differences. Is it, as CRT contends, systemic? Of course it is. We’re all basically tribalists, which means we’re all basically racist, a problem we’ve been trying to overcome for many years, with only moderate success. But election of a president who was obviously a member of a different “tribe” than the plurality of voters should certainly be seen as a significant step in the right direction.

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