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Differences Between Nursing Diagnosis and Medical Diagnosis

Nursing Diagnosis vs Medical Diagnosis

Sometimes, it is quite amazing how many terms we deal with on a day to day basis. In fact, we often marvel at the very idea as to why there many if these terms are not just associated with similar topics, but probably more so, in the world of medicine. Not only do we get to see so many types of medication for a simple illness like a runny nose, a wheezing cough, or even an upset stomach, then should you be admitted to the hospital, there are even more diagnoses that would leave you more confused. Then again, in the long run, when you fully understand the need for these terminologies to be defined, you would know when and how to use such terms in the future.

Laymen are quite verbose and effusive in using terms that make them sound knowledgeable. There are times, though, that while learning something new is a great idea, learning how to use them appropriately is even better. So let’s talk about diagnosis. What is the difference between a nursing diagnosis and a medical diagnosis?

What is nursing diagnosis?

A nursing diagnosis is a diagnosis that is based upon the response of the patient to the medical condition. This is why it is called a ‘nursing diagnosis’ because these are things that have a specific action that is related to what nurses have autonomy to take action about. Nurses treat the patient with everything that is related to human response to a specific disease. This includes anything that is a physical, mental, and spiritual type of response. Simply put, a nursing diagnosis is care focused.

What is a medical diagnosis?

A medical diagnosis, on the other hand, deals more with the medical condition. Any diagnosis or finding made by the doctor is based on the physiologic state of the patient, or his medical condition. Moreover, the diagnosis of a doctor focuses on the illness itself. As much as possible, through experience and know-how, the exact and precise clinical entity that might be the possible cause of the illness will then be tackled by the doctor, hence, giving the proper medication that would cure the illness.

With both terms properly outlined in detail above, it will be easier to differentiate how a nursing diagnosis varies from that of a nursing diagnosis. As both are professionally given and analyzed, there is no right or wrong diagnosis for each patient and his needs. Understanding where each diagnosis is more focused will help not just the patient, but his family as well, to fully comprehend how a medical diagnosis would be able to complement that of the nursing diagnosis, and vice versa. A nursing diagnosis recognizes and spots the risks and more importantly, the needs of the patient. What’s more, a nurse encompasses all types of settings, that is, a clinical setting, which would be within the hospital, and afterward, like that of the home setting when the patient is discharged from the hospital for any and all possible risks that would be considered as after effects of such an illness.


A medical diagnosis is specific in the pathology. Its focus is on the illness. Nursing diagnosis on the other hand, focuses on the patient and his physiological and psychological response.

The doctors who make the medical diagnosis come up with such diagnosis that would treat the medical problem, while the diagnosis made by the nurses, hence a nursing diagnosis, is focused on the care for such patient, behind that illness.

Lastly, a medical diagnosis is etiology, or cause, focused, while a nursing diagnosis is care focused.

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  4. Kindly give me similarities between nursing diagnosis and medical diagnosis

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