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Differences Between HSG and Hysteroscopy

HSG vs Hysteroscopy

Before we delve deeper into discussing the differences between an HSG and a hysteroscopy procedure, let’s start off with what these terms are and how these terms are going to be useful for you. HSG is the shortened term for hysterosalpingogram. This is a type of procedure, specifically an X-ray, that would allow the doctor, like an obstetrician, to be able to tell the shape of the uterus and if the fallopian tubes are open or blocked. A hysteroscopy, on the other hand, is a procedure that would show your doctor what is happening inside your uterus. This is done to diagnose the condition of your uterus. This is also done to treat causes of abnormal bleeding.

With that type of definition, you most likely might be thinking, they’re basically just the same thing. Or are they?

What are the differences between an HSG and a hysteroscopy?

More often than not, women would visit their gynecologist to know the reason why their menstruation is abnormal. Another possibility is for wives to know what could be causing the delay in getting pregnant. These are actually just a few of the more known reasons why either an HSG or a hysteroscopy would be done. One of the biggest differences that one should know is that an HSG is the first step to know what is happening to your uterus. Because of an X-ray that will be done, it will be able to check and examine the opening of your tubes. A hysteroscopy, on the other hand, would give more of a ‘picture,’ so to speak, to your doctor. This actually involves something similar to an endoscopy, wherein a hysterocope would be inserted. Almost all procedures for a hysteroscopy would involve anaesthesia. Once the hysteroscope is inside, a substance, whether carbon dioxide gas or a liquid solution, would be used to help the tubes expand. Its purpose is also to clear away blood or mucus. The hysteroscope has a light at the tip, and this essentially would allow your doctor to see everything on the inside.

There are actually many more pieces of information that you may need to know should your doctor inform you that you would have to undergo a hysteroscopy. What’s more, before you even consider having this procedure, you have to choose a safe and sanitary location to have it done. Remember, while this is considered an outpatient procedure, it is still a medical procedure, hence, not only will you taking medication and be sedated, as well as taking anesthesia would be involved, you need to be properly taken care of. The different possibilities after having the procedure would certainly vary from person to person, so it is best that you do not just take the word of one woman’s procedure as your basis. Some would experience fever, some severe abdominal pain, and even for some, heavy vaginal bleeding. So it would really vary. Being aware that any of these ‘could’ happen is a good thing, and always be certain that you get the advice of your doctor first. If doubtful about what your doctor is suggesting, then you can always get a second opinion.


An HSG is an x-ray procedure that would evaluate.

A Hysteroscopy is a procedure, considered an out-patient procedure, that would need to be done in a clinic or surgical location, wherein a hysteroscope, or a tube with a light at the tip would be inserted through your vagina to be able to see what’s happening to your uterus, the tubes, and the reproductive system.

There are other types of hysteroscopy that would be suggested by your doctor which would suit the needs of our medical condition better.

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