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Difference Between Pistol and Handgun

Pistol vs Handgun

Pistols and handguns are both firearms. They are designed in a way that they can be held and operated by one hand only. Firearms are divided into two categories, handguns and long guns. Pistols are a type of handgun. Handguns are of many different types. This means all pistols are handguns but all handguns are not pistols.

Handguns are guns which can be held and operated by one hand only. They can be carried easily and are small in size. They are differentiated into many different subtypes like: revolvers, pistols, Derringers, semi-automatic pistols, single-shot pistols, machine pistols, and pepperboxes.

Handguns were first developed in the 15th century, but it is not known who created them in the first place. Handheld firearms were first developed in China where gunpowder was first developed. Revolvers were developed in the 19th century, and “pistols” and “revolvers” developed with different mechanisms. In general language, people use the term “pistols” for almost all handguns.

Handguns kept developing throughout history, and their subtypes can again be classified into two main types, muzzle-loading firearms and breech-loading firearms. Muzzle-loading firearms are those which load from the front of the barrel; breech-loading firearms are those which load from behind the barrel.

Other categories of handguns are:

Single-shot pistol
Multi-barreled pistol
Semi-automatic pistols
Machine pistols

Pistols and handguns are often synonymous, but technically pistols are those handguns which have one chamber only. Revolvers, however, are those handguns which have a cylinder which revolves and has multiple chambers. Stevens Maxim developed them in 1885. Pistols are of many different types:

Single-shot pistols
Semi-automatic pistols
Machine pistols
Multi-barreled pistols

Pistols have a safety mechanism which helps to avoid accidental firing. Pistols are especially used for self-defense purposes as they are easily concealed, easy to carry, and easy to use. In a pistol, when one shot is fired, the recoil brings the other bullet into the chamber for the next shot. They can be used for ranges of 45m-50m.


1.Handguns are guns which can be held and operated by one hand only. They can be carried easily and are small in size. They are differentiated into many different subtypes like: revolvers, pistols, Derringers, semi-automatic pistols, single-shot pistols, machine pistols and pepperboxes; pistols are a subtype of handguns differentiated into different types like: semi-automatic pistols, single-shot pistols, and machine pistols.
2.Handguns were developed in the 15th century; pistols were developed in the 19th century.
3.The creator of handguns is unknown; pistols were created by Stevens Maxim.
4.Revolvers, which are a type of handgun, have multiple revolving chambers; pistols have a single chamber.

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