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Difference Between GPA Hours and Earned Hours

GPA Hours vs Earned Hours

GPA hours and earned hours refer to the grade point system followed in some high schools and colleges. “GPA” stands for “grade point average.” “Earned points” refer to the credits completed by a student successfully. When we say “successfully,” it means a “D” or higher grade acquired. The credit given to the students is based on the quality of the work and the completion of the work. The students who pass are considered to have earned hours.

Earned Hours
There are two credit hour distinctions; credit hours earned and credit hours enrolled. A student may enroll for 15 credits which includes 1, 3, or more hours of instruction for 15 weeks in a given semester (usually courses include 5 courses of 3 points each). When the student passes all the courses, the credit hours are earned. Another case is if a student enrolls for 15 credits and fails in one course of 3 points, then he earns only 12 credits which will be applied towards next semester or for graduation.

GPA Hours
“GPA” stands for “grade point average.” GPA hours refer to credit hours which are used to calculate a student’s GPA. In the U.S. colleges and most high schools, they have quality or credit points. The quality points are illustrated by the alphabet:


There are other grades too like “P, W, and I,” but these grades are not included in the GPA hours. The credit points of “D” or above are included in calculating the GPA. GPA grades are received for each course. There are two different GPAs, the semester GPA and the cumulative GPA. “D” is the minimum grade required, and it may bring the GPA below 2.0 which may lead to a dismissal. “D” grades are also not transferable to universities and colleges.

GPA Calculation
The GPA or grade point average is calculated by adding up the acquired quality points in a semester and dividing them by the total number of credits completed for that semester. The grades have a number assigned to the quality points, for example: A=12, B+=10.5, B= 9 quality points.


1.GPA hours refers to credit hours which are used to calculate a student’s GPA; earned points refer to the credits completed by a student successfully. When we say “successfully,” it means a “D” or higher grades acquired.
2.The GPA, or grade point average, is calculated by adding up the acquired quality points in a semester and dividing them by the total number of credits completed for that semester; earned points are calculated as per the courses passed (usually, courses include five courses of three points each).

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1 Comment

  1. So, between earned and GPA credits/hours, which one is used when determining if a student has enough credits to graduate? For instance, if I had 101 earned credits, but only 91 “For GPA” credits, would I need 19 or 29 more credits to graduate with a a total of 120 credits?

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