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Difference Between M.Sc. and M.A.

M.Sc. vs M.A.

M.Sc. and M.A. are two different master’s degrees. These degrees are awarded in the commonwealth nations of Europe. “M.Sc.” stands for “Master’s of Science,” and “M.A.” stands for “Master of Arts.” Master’s degrees are degrees which can be acquired by a person who is already holding a bachelor’s degree. A master’s is an academic degree; it is given to individuals who have already demonstrated knowledge in some specific field and professional practice. It is a degree awarded to those students who study or gain specific mastery over a particular subject and get specialized knowledge of a certain subject.

Master’s degrees are also called “magister” in many languages. Some languages also use the term “cognate.” In Europe, a standardization of the master’s degree is taking place, and almost all countries present different degrees in different disciplines. Two of the most common titles of master’s degree are M.Sc. and M.A. In countries like the USA, a master’s degree is a postgraduate degree. There are two ways of acquiring it. Sometimes a doctorate can be started immediately after the bachelor’s degree, but the master’s degree has to be earned along with the doctorate, and this system is called “master’s degree en route” whereas in other cases after completing graduation or one’s bachelor’s degree, one can go for a two-year postgraduate master’s degree.

Master’s of Science is also called “Magister scientiae” in Latin. It is also abbreviated SM, S.M., M. Si, M.Sc., MSc, M. Sci., Sc.M. MSHS, etc. This is a pos graduate degree for academics in many countries especially for the study of science. The system of awarding the degree differs in various countries. “MSc” or “M.Sc.” is used in the commonwealth nations of Europe. In the U.S., Master’s of Science is abbreviated “MS” or “M.S.”

“M.A.” stands for “Master of Arts.” It is also abbreviated as M.A., MA, A.M., AM etc. This is a postgraduate degree awarded to the study of the arts. Master’s of Science is also called “Magister scientiae” in Latin. This postgraduate degree is awarded for the study of subjects such as languages (English, etc.) history, philosophy, geography, humanities, fine arts, social sciences, nursing, and also theology. If we trace the history, the Master of Arts originated from teaching licentia docendi or “licence” in the University of Paris.


1.“M.Sc.” stands for “Master’s of Science”; “M.A.” stands for Master of Arts.
2.A Master’s of Science is also called “Magister scientiae” in Latin.
3.“M.Sc.” is also abbreviated “SM, S.M., M. Si, M.Sc., M Sc, M. Sci., Sc .M. MSHS,” etc.; “M.A.” is also abbreviated as “M.A., MA, A.M., AM,” etc.
4.M.Sc. is a postgraduate degree for academics in many countries especially for the study of science; M.A. is awarded for the study of subjects such as languages (English, etc.) history, philosophy, geography, humanities, fine arts, social sciences, nursing, and also theology.

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