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Difference Between Snow and Ice

Snow vs Ice

Water makes up two-thirds of the Earth which is composed mostly of salt water such as the ocean and the seas. Water is vital for every living thing on the planet including animals, humans, and plants. Without water, there would be no living things on this planet.

Snow and ice are both products of water. Do they have any differences? Let us try to differentiate between them.

Ice becomes ice because of the wind that is circulating below our atmosphere. These winds are cool and freezing which makes the normal liquid water into a solid, frozen ice. Snow, on the other hand, is natural due to climate conditions in certain countries. It is not formed by any wind and such. It falls naturally and in tiny, unnoticed pieces.

Snow falls off in pieces. Ice, on the other hand, is formed in bulk and masses depending on the water condition in the ground. The more water the ground or environment contains, the more ice will be formed.

Ice and snow are indeed made up of H2O or water. When the atmosphere vaporizes and freezes, it becomes snow. It falls down during the winter seasons to our planet. Ice, on the other hand, forms on the ground. It can be a frozen lake or any body of water. In short, snow is frozen vapor from the atmosphere while ice is just water that freezes.

Another comparison is that ice can be made artificially by anyone while snow cannot be made artificially. We can produce ice by using refrigerators while we cannot produce snow from refrigerators. Snow is formed naturally during the winter season and can be seen in countries such as Iceland, Mongolia, and Russia.

Ice is useful in cooling drinks during hot and wet seasons such as summer and the rainy season. Snow, on the other hand, is fun to see and experience during winter seasons.


1. Snow is frozen vapor from the atmosphere while ice is just water that freezes.
2. Ice can be made artificially by anyone while snow cannot be made artificially.
3. Snow and ice are both products of water.

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  1. Sir This is very good answer. This is very clear difference between snow and ice. This site provides us good answers

  2. this is good answer

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