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Difference Between OOP and Procedural Programming

OOP vs Procedural Programming

Procedural programming is based on a sequential execution of instructions. The algorithm is based on data and functions, and the programmer has access to both of these entities and the independence to modify either of them. Since the programming is step-by-step, in a really long program it becomes tough to back and follow up on the developments. Some of the popular OOP languages are: JAVA, C#. NET and VB.NET.

Object-Oriented Programming, or OOP, is made of a number of entities referred to as objects. An object has a behavior and a purpose associated with it. An object cannot modify the data of another object directly. To get information about an object, the other object sends messages and requests for the data. Some of the popular procedural languages are: Perl, C, VB, FORTRAN, and Basic

Advantages of OOP:

1. It is able to simulate the real world effectively.

2. Data is active and the code is reusable.

3. It is able to deploy better graphical user interfaces.

4. Developers are able to produce better-coded, more accurate applications.

Differences between OOP and Procedural Programming:

1. OOP is based on a real time application whereas the entire focus of procedural

programming is on data and functions.

2. Procedural programming exposes the data to external entities thus compromising on

security which is a strict no-no in the case of OOP. In OOP, the programs are divided

into objects, and the data is hidden from external entities.

3. OOP has a major advantage over procedural programming when it comes to

documentation of really long programs. Due to the organization and documentation, it

is easier to keep track of the changes made in the code or for a new developer to

understand the existing code.

4. The focus of OOP is its building blocks, the objects. Procedural programming is all

about the steps needed to achieve a solution.

5. A developer is able to create an application at least 20 times faster using OOP when

compared with the procedural programming approach.


1. OOP and procedural programming are two paradigms of writing a code or two

different ways of approaching a problem to come up with a solution.

2. The fundamental block of OOP is an object. An object’s behavior is called its method

while its data is referred to as its state.

3. Procedural programming models the real world problem as a series of steps that need

to be executed to achieve a specific program state.

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