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Difference Between Lunar Eclipse and Total Lunar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse vs Total Lunar Eclipse

An eclipse is a natural phenomenon that occurs when celestial objects are temporarily blocked; either by the passage of the celestial body into the shadow of another object or having a celestial body pass in-between two celestial objects. A lunar eclipse is caused when the moon moves into the shadow of the Earth. It can be seen that lunar eclipses occur only during a full moon.

A lunar eclipse lasts much longer than a solar eclipse. A lunar eclipse may last anywhere from 30 minutes to more than an hour.

A lunar eclipse is divided into three types: penumbral, partial, and total. A penumbral lunar eclipse is one in which the moon just passes through the Earth’s penumbra. A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes into the Earth’s umbra region. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the moon entirely circles within the umbra region of the Earth. A total lunar eclipse combines all the three phases. The moon is not seen to be completely dark in a total lunar eclipse.

In a lunar eclipse, about 35 per cent of the eclipses are penumbral. These penumbral lunar eclipses are very hard to see even with the help of a telescope. The partial eclipses happen around 30 percent of the eclipses, and they can be seen. And a total lunar eclipse accounts for 35 per cent of the eclipses. The total lunar eclipses are really great sights to watch.

In a total eclipse, the moon takes on different colors ranging from dark brown/red to yellow/bright orange. This coloring is because of the Earth’s atmosphere. If there was no atmosphere, then the moon would look completely dark.


1.A lunar eclipse is caused when the moon moves into the shadow of the Earth.
2.It can be seen that lunar eclipses occur only during a full moon.
3.A lunar eclipse may last anywhere from 30 minutes to more than an hour.
4.A lunar eclipse is divided into three types: penumbral, partial, and total.
5.A penumbral lunar eclipse is one in which the moon just passes through the Earth’s penumbra. A partial lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes into the Earth’s umbra region.
6.About 35 per cent of the eclipses are penumbral. The partial eclipses happen around 30 percent of the eclipses. A total lunar eclipse accounts for 35 per cent of the eclipses.
7.In a total eclipse, the moon takes on different colors ranging from dark brown/red to yellow/bright orange.

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