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Difference Between Gorgonzola and Bleu Cheese

Gorgonzola vs Bleu Cheese

Bleu cheese is only a type of cheese that is made by introducing bacteria into it so that a blue mold forms in the veins. Gorgonzola is just an Italian blue cheese.

Gorgonzola cheese gets the name from the name of the town that it was produced in since 879 AD. The Gorgonzola cheese got the greenish-blue structure during the eleventh century. This cheese is now mainly produced in Lombardy and Piedmont (Northern Italian regions).

Gorgonzola is produced from whole cow’s milk. Starter bacteria along with spores of penicillium roqueforti and penicillium glaucum are added to it. The whey that is produced is removed and the remaining is aged at a low temperature. During aging, metal rods are inserted and removed which forms air channels. These air channels make the spores grow into hyphae and give the cheese the green vein characteristic. Generally, Gorgonzola cheese is aged for about four months. The Bleu cheese is also produced in the same manner.

When comparing the flavor, Gorgonzola cheese has a mild flavor than bleu cheese. Most of the bleu cheese has a strong and pungent smell.

Both the Gorgonzola and bleu cheeses are used in risotto, pasta dishes, polenta, salads, and served as a side with buffalo chicken wings. As the Gorgonzola cheese comes with a different flavor, it is more used as a pizza topping.

Some of the popular bleu cheeses include: French Roquefort, British Stilton, Spanish Picon, and American Maytag. The Gorgonzola cheese comes in two popular varieties — Gorgonzola dolce and Gorgonzola naturale. While the Gorgonzola dolce is mildly aged and comes in a sweet flavor, Gorgonzola naturale is aged for six months and has a sharp and pungent smell.


1.Gorgonzola cheese gets the name from the name of the town that it was produced in since 879 AD. This cheese is now mainly produced in Lombardy and Piedmont (Northern Italian regions).
2.Gorgonzola and Bleu cheese are prepared in the same manner.
3.When comparing the flavor, Gorgonzola cheese has a milder flavor than Bleu cheese. Most of the Bleu cheeses have a strong and pungent smell.
4.Some of the popular Bleu cheeses include: French Roquefort, British Stilton, Spanish Picon, and American Maytag. 5.The Gorgonzola cheese comes in two popular varieties — Gorgonzola dolce and Gorgonzola naturale.
6.Both the Gorgonzola and Bleu cheeses are used in risotto, pasta dishes, polenta, salads, and served as a side with buffalo chicken wings.

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