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Difference Between Duties and Responsibilities

duties vs responsibilities

Every one has come across the terms duty and responsibility. Duty is a moral commitment to something or someone, whereas responsibility is a condition of being responsible.

According to Cicero, duties come from four sources. Duty is a result of human beings, one’s particular place, one’s character and one’s own moral expectations. His philosophy of duty has been depicted in his famous work ‘On duty’.

As duty refers to moral commitment, it denotes an active feeling for doing something. Once a person engages himself with some duty or if he has been entrusted with a duty, then that person fully commits himself to it. In the case of duty, the person will be involved in activity without any self-interest. As a citizen of a country, a person has many duties to perform. It is his duty to adhere to the constitution.

Responsibility can be termed as an ability to act at one’s own will, without any supervision. It is the obligation to successfully complete an assigned task. In responsibility, a person takes upon the duty to compete the task and to make the task a success.

In responsibility, a person is solely responsible for the entire task and its outcome. In case of responsibility, he takes the ownership of the entire task. Responsibility can also be explained as a set of instructions in life that one has to follow. It is the responsibility of the parents to give good education to their children.

Duty is a word that has been derived from Old French Deu meaning ‘which is owing’.


1. Duty is a moral commitment to something or someone, whereas responsibility is a condition of being responsible.
2. As duty refers to moral commitment, it denotes an active feeling for doing something.
3. In case of duty, the person will be involved in activity without any self-interest.
4. Responsibility can be termed as an ability to act at one’s own will, without any supervision. It is the obligation to successfully complete an assigned task.
5. In responsibility, a person is solely responsible for the entire task and its outcome. It is the responsibility of the parents to give good education to their children.
6. Once a person engages himself with some duty or if he has been entrusted with a duty, then that person fully commits himself to it.

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  1. thanks i,m highly appriciate
    have nice experiances

  2. Is there any situation ‘duty’ shouldn’t be used? or any situation ‘responsibility’ shouldn’t be used?

  3. RESPONSIBILITY is brought about by DUTY. Rudimentarily as a human being, you may just have to survive in this world – eat, live, sleep, etc. However, if a person is taken into context as a part of human society, you are given or being assigned with certain roles to perform. For example, if you’re role in the society is a teacher, you are expected to perform the work of a teacher which is what we call DUTY. A teacher’s duty is to teach effectively (imparting knowledge and skills). With duty comes certain responsibilities. In the case of a teacher, it is his/her responsibility to prepare instructions and strategies to effect learning. It is also his/her responsibility to keep record of progress of the student’s learning. He/She should provide interventions to address issues affecting negatively to learning process.
    In short, DUTY is what people expected from you generally based on your job, line of work, position or designation.
    On the other hand, RESPONSIBILITY tackles about how you perform your duty. That’s why, responsibility becomes your guide or standard to measure how well you perform your duty.
    That’s why DUTY and RESPONSIBILITY becomes intertwined or interdependent. Someone may ask for instance, “Why is he prescribing medicines?” It’s because his duty is a doctor and it is his responsibility to prescribe medicines.

  4. Office cleaning

  5. awesome article. Truly inspiring and eye opening article

  6. I’m not sure whether I’m right in my example on topic of “duty & responsibikty” after I must say’ “in accomplishment of responsibility you settle down issues at home or society among family or friends and in accomplishment of a duty you must stop problems even being established from the start . I understand so far direct learning from daily life experiments. Kindly comments ……

  7. Duty and Responsibility? Each word has at least four ways to be interpreted or utilized in a sentence. Therefore, as eg. “I can pay the ‘duty’ on my new dress when I pick it up”;(denotes a debt ‘responsibility’ owed) or “Am I ‘responsible’ (accountable)for paying the ‘duty’ (debt owed)when I go to pick up my new dress?” Verb, noun, etc changes a words’ definition, meaning or use.
    Therefore, these words could mean exactly the same, a bit the same, or not at all the same. 6 of one, half dozen of the other. Another analogy: manage,operate or run. Synonyms, Antonyms, Homonyms, etc. English language can be so complex at times and yet it is also individualistic and great in explaining and differentiating minute details of everyday responsibilities or duties.

  8. Good attempt. Thank you for your worth efforts.

  9. Every role has a responsibility. Suppose, as a teacher, you are responsible for completion of the syllabus.
    Whereas a duty bound teacher will go an extra mile and ensure that the students have comprehended the topics in syllabus.
    Even though the teacher has completed the syllabus, it’s not her responsibility to ensure each student has comprehended the topics in syllabus.
    Hence responsibility is a subset of duty.

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