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Difference Between Growth and Development

Growth vs Development

The terms Growth and Development are used with every aspect of life. There might be some confusion when using the terms as they are often used interchangeably. Growth is just ‘getting bigger’, whereas development is improvement.

Growth can be explained as becoming bigger or larger or having more importance. Growth is termed as a physical change, where as development is said to be physical as well as social or psychological change. Development also means transformation or improvement. While growth is related to quantitative improvement, development is related to quantitative as well as qualitative improvement.

When the term growth is related to living beings, it can mean the increase in size. Here, the growth that comes over a living being is a physical change and it indicates the increase in weight, height and bone seize. On the other hand, development is the process of developing skills and capacities. It deals with the behavioural aspect of a living being. For example, we only say that the tumour has grown and not that the tumour has developed. On the other hand, we generally say that ‘he has developed into a better man’ or ‘he developed into a better citizen’ and so on.

In terms of economy, we say there was a steady growth in the country’s economy over the last few years. We also say that there was a tremendous growth in the case of hospitals in the region. We also refer to countries as developed and developing, which means that the country has made great strides in all spheres.


1. Growth is just ‘getting bigger’, whereas development is improvement.
2. Growth can be explained as becoming bigger or larger or having more importance.
3. Growth is termed as a physical change, where as development is said to be physical as well as social or psychological change.
4. While growth is related to quantitative improvement, development is related to quantitative as well as qualitative improvement
5. When the term growth is related to living beings, it can mean the increase in weight, height and bone seize. On the other hand, development is the process of developing skills and capacities. It deals with the behavioural aspect of a living being.
6. In terms of economy, we say there was a steady growth in the country’s economy over the last few years. We also refer to countries as developed and developing, which means that the country has made great strides in all spheres.

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