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Difference Between Facebook and Orkut

orkutFacebook vs Orkut

Facebook and Orkut are the most widely used social networking websites. Both of these social networking websites are very popular. However, Facebook and Orkut have their own special features, that makes one different from the other.

When talking about the differences between the two, Facebook can be said to have a professional look. On the other hand, Orkut can only be said to have an amateurish look. While Facebook gives a finished look, the Orkut gives an unfinished look. Some say that the outlook of Facebook is lively, but that of Orkut is dull.

One of the differences that can be seen between Orkut and Facebook, is that the former allows a rating for each person, like hotness and sexiness. On the contrary, facebook does not give such a rating. Orkut also allows one to categorize their friends into groups, like close friends, acquaintances, other friends etc. Facebook does not have any categorization; it is just friends in Facebook.

Another difference between these two social networking websites, is that Facebook has many applications, which are not seen for Orkut. While Orkut allows one to see who has been viewing their profile, Facebook does not have such a feature.

Orkut does not give any privacy. It is open for all, which means that you can see a person’s profile, and also see everything he writes down. On the other hand, Facebook is not that open. You can only view a person’s profile if he, or she, adds you to his/her list. There is a bit of privacy in Facebook.

Well, another feature that comes with Facebook, is that one can decide which people can see their profile. Though this option is also available in Orkut, there are certain limitations.

Another difference that can be seen between Facebook and Orkut, is that the Mini Feed feature in Facebook helps to keep you updated with the latest happenings within one’s network. However, this feature is absent in Orkut.


1. Facebook has a professional look. On the other hand, Orkut has an amateurish look.

2. Orkut allows one to categorize their friends into groups, like close friends, acquaintances, other friends etc. Facebook does not have any categorization; it is just friends in Facebook.

3. Orkut allows one to see who has been viewing their profile; Facebook does not have such a feature.

4. Unlike Facebook, Orkut does not give much privacy.

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    • really good one i had many confusions about both ,thnx for these info

    • i agree to the above statements but partially…as on Fb u can categorie ur frenz as different gs. also u can also create a customized category for adding ur friends…as in u can make a separae gp. of all youtr friends who are ur school or college seniors…

  1. It’s really vitual environment rather than orkut.

  2. i think this all are not actual difference

  3. good to learn the differnce between orkut and face book…

  4. nice tanks for information

  5. Hi

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