Difference Between Mobile and Cell Phone
Mobile vs Cell Phone
When you look around you, chances are you will see that most people are holding mobile or cell phones. They have become an integral part of people’s everyday lives that most of them cannot survive a day without one. Technology has made it possible for people to communicate with each other through phones.
The idea of a speaking telegraph or telephone was conceived in the mid 1800s. It was done through electrical signals very much like those used in the telegraph. By the late 1800s, Alexander Graham Bell successfully created the telephone.
The telephone has undergone significant changes and improvements from the time of its inception up to the present. From the large phones of the past it evolved into the smaller, more handy, and very widely used mobile phones of today.
Mobile phones were created because of people’s need to communicate even while outside their homes where telephones are usually placed. They were intended for use in cars or automobiles, hence the name mobile phone. They are battery operated and are very lightweight. They get their power from the vehicle’s battery and are equipped with antennae that connect with a service provider that has cellular sites along a wide range of areas.
Since they use cellular technology, they are also called cell phones. Cell phones or cellular phones are electronic devices that can make and receive telephone calls anywhere provided that they can be reached by a cellular network. There are three types of cellular phones: portable or cordless telephone, transportable telephone, and mobile telephone. Mobile phones are, therefore, types of cellular phones, but not all cell phones are mobile although today people use “mobile” and “cell” to refer to the same thing.
Mobile phones and cell phones have the same features. Aside from making and receiving calls, they also allow users to send text and multimedia messages, send and receive emails, have Internet access, and use many other applications. They are called by different names in different places. In most of Europe they are called “handy phones.” In the United States and most other places, they are called “cell phones” while in the United Kingdom they are called “mobile phones.”
1.Mobile phones are telephones that were originally created for use in vehicles while cell phones are telephones that use cellular technology.
2.Both mobile phones and cell phones are handy, but while mobile phones are battery operated and can be used anywhere, other types of cell phones are not and can only be used a few meters away from the house (cordless phone).
3.Both mobile phones and cell phones are used to refer to the same thing–to the handy telephone that can be used for sending messages and emails, provide Internet access, and take and store pictures and videos. “Mobile” is the term used in Britain while “cell” is the term used in the USA.
4.“Mobile” is used to describe a quality of the telephone while “cell” is used to describe the technology that is used.
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Mostly correct but a few bad errors. A cordless phone is NOT a cell phone. It does not use cellular technology, but rather WiFi technology.
Most of Europe does NOT call cell phones “handy phones”. The obvious reason is that they don’t speak english as their first language. The term “mobile” is certainly used in much of Europe and would be most likely recognized.
The origin of the word “mobile” as used for cell phones does not come from the fact that some of the first wireless phones were installed in cars, as they were too bulky and heavy to be carried about, but rather from “capable of moving or being moved” or “able to move or be moved freely or easily” or similar.