Difference Between Block and Unfriend
Social media sites like Instagram and Facebook have become integral part of our lives. This might be a little overstatement but for many people, social media usage has become addictive. For example, Facebook has become a phenomenon over years and it is fair to say that people spend too much time on Facebook than any other social media site. However, with irritating brand posts and unwanted attention, it’s becoming equally annoying at times. For times like that, Facebook Block and Unfriend features really come in handy.
What does Block mean?
Block is one of the ways to rid your Timeline from annoying posts. Block is an action that allows you to prevent any contact from the person you’re trying to Block on Facebook. It simply cut the connection between you and the person you’ve blocked as if you are invisible to each other on Facebook. Neither of you will be able to post anything on each other’s Timeline.
What does Unfriend mean?
Unfriend is an action that allows you to remove someone from your friends list, without notifying him/her that you have done so. However, he or she can see your profile or anything you shared publicly or posts shared between mutual friends.
Difference between Block and Unfriend
Meaning of Block Vs. Unfriend
Block and Unfriend are two different actions that would allow you to restrict someone from peeking into your Facebook profile. Unfriend lets you remove someone from your friends list, without notifying the person that you have done so. However, you’d still be able to see his/her profile or posts. Block lets you disconnect completely from the person you’re blocking, meaning you two are invisible to each other on Facebook.
To Unfriend someone from your friends list, go to your Friends section at the left and search for the person you’re trying to Unfriend and hold the cursor over his/her name. Then go to Friends in the small window that appears which brings a dropdown menu and then select the Unfriend option to remove him/her from your friends list. To block someone, go to settings and type in the person’s name in the blocking section and click block.
When you Unfriend someone from your friends list, he/she can only locate you by visiting your profile directly and Facebook won’t notify the person you unfriended that you have done so. He/she won’t be able to see anything that’s not public or post anything on your Timeline. You don’t have to be friends to block someone but blocking any of your friends will automatically Unfriend and Unfollow them meaning neither of you will be able to start a conversation or post on each other’s Timeline.
Block vs. Unfriend: Comparison Chart
Summary of Block Vs. Unfriend
If you block someone, he/she won’t be able to see your profile or anything you do on Facebook. Blocking someone means you two are invisible to each other. When you Unfriend someone from your friends list, he/she can still see your posts you shared as public or anything that is shared between your mutual friends. In either case, Facebook doesn’t notify you have done so.
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[0]Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/psychemedia/4545456296
[1]Image credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/73/No_Agenda_cover_780.png
[2]Crager, Jamie, et al. Facebook All-in-One for Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2014. Print
[3]Abram, Carolyn. Facebook for Dummies. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2018. Print
Twitter also has a blocking option.
I have blocked someone but still wish to communicate via Messenger. How do I do that?