Difference Between Python and Anaconda
Python vs Anaconda
Pythons and Anacondas are no doubt the greatest snakes in the world. Some people think that anaconda and python are one and the same. However, anacondas and pythons belong to two different families of snake.
Anacondas belong to the boa family and are found in South America and the Amazon basin. A python belongs to the family Pythonidae. It prowls the thick and dense forest of South Asia, South East Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Anaconda is the heaviest and the biggest snake in the world. On the other hand, the python is no doubt the longest snake in the world. An anaconda can weigh as much as 550 pounds or more and can grow up to 25 feet. In contrast, the python can grow as long as 33 feet or more. However, a 20-foot anaconda will outweigh a much longer python.
The anaconda is not a choosy eater. As long as the prey can be overpowered, then it is included in the anaconda menu. In fact, some anacondas can overpower a crocodile and eat it whole. The python however is a bit choosy with its choice of food. This giant snake loves to eat mammals and birds only.
Anaconda is aquatic and lives in marshes, swamps, and rivers. It can swim very well. The anaconda’s eyes are located on top of its head. This allows the snake to see preys while submerged in the water. Meanwhile, the python loves to perch on trees and stay on drier land. This snake can see in the dark. That is why it can ambush hapless mammals and birds at night.
The anaconda bites its prey and drowns the poor creature in the water. The python, on the other hand, constricts and crushes animals before eating them.
These two snakes are considered giants. But remember that anacondas are heavier and bulkier while pythons are longer and more agile.
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Hello let me introuduce myself my name is Dr Janice Hiltred i am a snake specilist in mexio. Im not mexican i live there i was born in orlando florida in 1977. I then moved to mexico after graduating from university and then i travelled and also appeared in many documentries. Yes i must say this is very realistic document but there has been a new scientific break through in these complex reptiles. These are highly secure doccuments so unfortunally i cannot tell you them but i can tell you that these snakes are truly realated because of a new gene that scientists reacently discovered and thats all i can say because the scientist are very uptight cheaking every last detail making sure this is positivley true and trust me by the way the experemints are going it is. They hope to make a documentry about it all soon once there sucpicions are confirmed, so once its all out you can change this webste !!
Kind Regards
Dr Janice Hiltred
Why comment and not give any info ? Idiot dr bulsh*
Hiii sir I like yoru details about this reptiles and I want to know more about it and sir this is my what’s app no.+918140157511 contact me if you can thx
Ok , I see , it’s like if I tell you then I will have to kill you kind of top secrets stuff right ?
which versions are you talking about?
Anyone what pythone snake skin replt me and what is the rate u will give reply
Anyone want pythone snake skin reply me and what is the rate u will give reply
I’m surprised and dismayed at the number of grammatical errors in your post. After four years of college and probably five years of graduate school, which includes writing numerous essays and articles, I expect your command of the language to be excellent. Because yours is at a more of a freshman high school level, I seriously doubt your credentials.
I agree!
I like your comments, I doubt him too
No one’s perfect man. Understand that!
Definitely the same…you can call my python anaconda. It’s big, heavy & long! It’s always hungry too.
Hey Dr Janice Hiltred and anybody else do you have videos of these snakes; python and anaconda fighting each other or fighting other serious predators like crocodiles, alligators, lions etc? I would wish to watch such videos especially for serious fights of equally matched animals by size, age etc.
Between relatively matched python and anaconda young, juvenile or mature ones which is more likely to win a fight?
Does sex of these snakes (python & anaconda) matter in their strength as like other animals like lions, hyenas etc?
Well said ma’am.
What kind of Dr are you? You do not have good grammar for being a Dr. You don’t even know how to spell or word a letter correctly. Nice try. You are not fooling anyone. You need to take some grammar classes.
I have to question the validity of this. Anyone that says they are Dr. should have better spelling of the English language.
This is a real example of bull shit.. You can’t even spell and formulate your sentences correctly, who do you think you will fool with your snake oil ideology???
Did the documentary come out yet?
This answer is quite inaccurate. This is obvious when considering the Burmese python experience in Florida.
“The anaconda is not a choosy eater. As long as the prey can be overpowered, then it is included in the anaconda menu. In fact, some anacondas can overpower a crocodile and eat it whole. The python however is a bit choosy with its choice of food. This giant snake loves to eat mammals and birds only.”
“Anaconda is aquatic and lives in marshes, swamps, and rivers. It can swim very well. The anaconda’s eyes are located on top of its head. This allows the snake to see preys while submerged in the water. Meanwhile, the python loves to perch on trees and stay on drier land. This snake can see in the dark. That is why it can ambush hapless mammals and birds at night.”
Burmese Pythons are readily hunting alligators in the water proving both these statements false.
“The anaconda bites its prey and drowns the poor creature in the water. The python, on the other hand, constricts and crushes animals before eating them.”
This is also false. As Anacondas do constrict their prey as well.
U guys r all idiots .its simple the retics an other pythons clearly hunt and kill the largest prey in an out the water.bitches
check the dr’s spelling mistakes……. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
Yes you are right……so many mistaked……..:-)
Yes they do constrict their prey along with having 6 rows of teeth. So when they bite down on their prey they don’t or can’t let go. They immediately start to wrap themselves around their prey. After less that 10 to 15 minutes they start to eat.
Bitch please….
Difference between Python and Anaconda:
Anaconda – a snake
Python – a programming language
Actually you’re both wrong.
Anaconda= Nicki Minaj’s song
Python = programming language
Definitely laughing out loud!
Lol! Good one.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Anaconda is a free/open-source distribution of python.
OK well you did not read that carefully enough no where did he say pythons don’t go in water or hate to go in water they just stated pythons love to perch in trees and likes dry land. all reptiles love water that’s a secondary way for them get hydration
“This giant snake loves to eat mammals and birds only.” is the only untrue statement in this
I’m going to also state that Pythons are indigenous to south Asia and Sahara Africa
not USA panama and other countries
anaconda are more know to drown their prey but they do constrict as well
pythons constrict not drown
I found that this was an amazingly helpful sight. However, I live in south America so I know hope that I don’t run into an anaconda. I would most likely faint upon sighting one.
no kidding. It would probably think I was dead and end up eating me alive… *shudder, shudder*
I like that Lilliana
our neighbours in Thailand set up a chicken coop on government land (illegally) and a giant anaconda devoured 4 of their chickens. It was a funny sight to see animal control drag the damn thing away with several noticeable bulges. Just recently my wife had to call animal control for another visitor in our mango tree: a nice Python that just finished off a squirrel.
I think the article is pretty accurate. The anaconda surfaced after the big flood in 2011.
Somebody gimme a cookie.
@ The Ajarn..there are no anaconda’s in Thailand, just pythons.
@ everybody..Python’s and anaconda’s are not closely related. Python lay eggs while anaconda and other members of the boa family have life young
all of you are wrong
Anaconda; heavy snake
Python ; long snake
Big snake little snake; bad! Dead snake; GOOD!!!!
The longest Anaconda ever recorded was 29 ft.
So you can update your info on the Anaconda length.
A Python sneaked at night to our house located within the polytechnic staff quarters here in Calabar. It successfully gained entrance through the kitchen door left unsecured and swallowed one of the pregnant ram. It could not move any further.
They said the snake came because Marsh and water surrounding the housing estate.
I think Python also live in marshy area.
Your all correct. (pff)
Honestly, your all retarded.
“Retarded” really? That comment alone speaks volumes to the idiocracy that your brain projects
From past reading, it seems pythons are Old World constrictors (reticulated python being the longest), and the boas are the New World constrictors (anacondas, green, black or yellow being the bulkiest). A boa can live where it wants….Emerald Tree boas live in trees. Anacondas, because of their bulk, live in or near water, and anything living in the water usually gets quite large, from hippos to whales, alligators and crocodiles and sharks. There is evidence, by the way, that whales started out on land. But I digress. An anaconda has a pattern of dark round spots on its lighter green, yellow or grey body. There is a sand boa, an Emerald (green) Tree boa, and a few others. A reticulated python, like the anaconda, is sometimes big enough to eat a grown human. It happens. A Burmese python, also…almost got the owner of the snake emporium in Wisconsin Dells. The pythons are ornately patterned snakes, seeing how they live in trees. They need to look like leaves on the jungle floor, too. A 30 ft. python is lighter in weight than a 20 ft. anaconda. By the way, in The Jungle Book, it was a reticulated python that was trying to eat Mowgli, helping him to “stay in the jungle”. Now, I hope my spelling was good, even if I’m not a scientist, but I do have a degree in art and anthropology. You may not be impressed, but maybe the snakes are.
If Janice is a doctor, then I would have no problem becoming one. At least, I can spell. Come on Janice, do you need a spelling tutor?? I’m available.
Evolution made anacondas give birth because they live in swampy areas not suitable for laying eggs and they easily adapted to drowning prey because they live and hunt in swamps, so for these reasons I believe they are from the same family, only different continents and conditions.
Thanks a lot for letting me know the difference and secrets behind them. Very helpful site.
Why not with chemicals kills all of the Phyons.
In Vietnam we used Agent Orange. A chemical solution is absolute.
Alva O Vance
Co Founder Vietnam Vets for Freedom.
33 feet? Are you completely retarded? There’s not a single snake on earth that even comes close to that kind of length. This article is total bullshit
Nice one! Well explained, the two big snakes confuses me. Both can eat human I guess
This so helpful, wether the write up is right or wrong, all I know is that no matter the size of the snake either big or large, vanonus or no vanonus all there all deserve to be kill because they are treat to the humans environment.
My anaconda dont want none unless u got buns hun
This is for those who insist that someone isn’t a doctor, or any other profession, if they can’t spell. Most people who post will eventually make an error in spelling. It could be because of not proofreading before you post. Doesn’t matter. What does matter is that you all judged this person, and decided he or she was lying. No wonder we have so many problems in the world.
I am only afraid of two kinds of snakes; big ones, and little ones.
I’m only afraid of two types of snakes,big ones and little ones.
A person that is really intelligent do not judge others. So a person that judge others shows no intellect at all. Might better go back to first grade and start learning ABC in silence.
I was in the amazon forest in 2020 where we conducted an extensive research on Anaconda. In the days that followed we tried to upload our findings online which we were unable to do due to poor internet connection. A friend suggested a wifi repeater from Wifiblast International. I don’t know if this will work in the amazon.