Difference Between Crush and Love
Crush vs Love
Ask a teenager about the differences between a crush and love and they will be clueless. Ask a person in their twenties about the difference, and they will probably mistake one feeling for the other too. Then slightly later in life when one has gone through different emotional roller coasters, met many people, and has experienced different relationships, they might have an idea what the difference is.
Love is an emotion. When a person has a very strong personal affection or attachment towards another person, it is called love. Love is believed to be unconditional. No matter how perfect or how faulty the object of love is, they are always loved by the one who loves. It is an emotion which binds people with each other for a lifetime.
Philosophically, love is considered a virtue. All the human emotions like kindness, affection, or compassion towards others is considered love.
Love is an idea which is central to all religions. Hindus, Christians, Buddhists and many other religions refer to love as “God” and “God” as love. The idea of oneness with God can be described as love for God.
It can be described as an action; love is an act of affection towards someone. The action can be displayed out of a feeling of compassion or as a feeling of affection towards someone.
In the English language, love can be described as a feeling towards someone, or a state the person is in, or an attitude of a person towards another. The range of feelings related to love is vast. It can mean simple pleasures like the pleasure of food. It can refer to romantic affiliations, platonic or sexual. It can also refer to the love in a friendship. In other languages like Hindi, love experienced by people sharing different relationships have very specific terms. The love of a mother towards her child, love of a wife towards her husband, love for elders, love for the young, and love for friends are all commonly used and are different from each other.
Scientifically it can be explained as a state of mind necessary for survival. It depends on the secretion of chemicals in the brain. It is supposed to maintain the continuation of the human race through procreation.
A crush can be described as a very strong attraction towards someone; it is infatuation for a very short period of time. A crush usually is based on a person’s appearance or the way the person talks or walks or some particular behavior which is admired intensely by another person. It is short-lived.
Summary :
1.Love is long lasting; it can keep two people together for a lifetime. A crush is very short-lived; it wears out.
2.Love can be described as a feeling towards a person depending upon the relationship shared between two people. It can be love towards children, parents, a partner, or God. A crush is infatuation; it refers only to the concept of being physically attracted to a person.
3.Love is considered a virtue; a crush might be considered a vice as it is a very innocent form of lust.
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Someone is telling me that they have a crush on,me thats lasted over 20years..
Some crushes last two years 2 1/2 years to an half months one day 60 hours one second not even that for 20 years or more for ever
After you have a crush could end up being what you want to happen like
You get married have a life together which you didn’t even expect
He call you sweetheart
And that following you
He ends up marrying you and having 30 children over time
In the buying you a Lamborghini
Things that might happen am I not in a bad way or a good way
He tell you to show away and give you an iPad
Or he gives you his phone so you can show away and leave him alone
He follows you on Instagram and other sites so you can leave him be
Tells his mum and dad and doesn’t like you but they still don’t get it
His mum and dad think he likes you
He said he would never ever ever ever like you that’s even when his friends head
He’s getting to like you
Talks about you all the time
His cousin thinks you’re his girlfriend or boyfriend
Well I’m not an expert but when you have a crush on get butterflies in your tummy big one you begin to have dreams about him or her and you write a secret diary sometimes you even do things that you never even knew sometimes you Knaven try and be at places you have never ever been before sometimes your crush will try and do crazy things to you Like say having a sleepover if you like to come to it’s my birthday and having a birthday party would you like to come but actually he wouldn’t even ask you those things he just saying those things to you to make you want to come but then if you say yes you could be just a joke .
He’s a list of Things People might say to you when you like them I have a crush on them ?
You’re sexy
She doesn’t like you
Your crush will never like you ever get that over your head
He will block you
She will block you
Why are you watching Your crush play basketball
Is he okay why do you care
Is she okay why do you care
You left me stranded with your crush
I always get put with my crush
Me and my crush I like friends
My crush doesn’t even care about me
My crush thanks I’m beautiful
My crush went to the same primary school as me and now the same high school
when never gonna leave it
We kind of like the same thing
Who cares if you have nothing in common with your crush
His mum thinks he likes me
His dad thinks he likes me
His cousin thinks I’m his girlfriend
My crush left me heartbroken
My Crash said piss of
my crush is dead
stop talking about him
Stop talking about her
Don’t steal my crush from me
Stop looking at my crush
Why are you talking about my lover
Why did you hurt my crush I’m angry with you
Don’t play pranks all jokes on me
Don’t make me get you as a friend leave my crash alone
What is my crush do to you
I’m just shush please shush shush shush
Hey guys just letting you know you can research to more things I want you guys could say what his or her friends would say about you or what you could say about your crush all you can say new friends thanks
Hey guys just letting you know you can research to more things I want you crash could say what his or her friends would say about you what you could say about your crush what you can say new friends thanks
My crush is mine not yours
My crush mine and never will be yours
Even know my crush doesn’t like me he still mine
You can call your crush
Definitely not boyfriend
Definitely not girlfriend
And maybe definitely not babe
And maybe definitely not baby
I’m not sure because I’m not an expert but I think you can call your crush baby and babe because that’s what I call my crush sometimes
By their name
By the nickname
By the middle name
By their last name
By whatever they want you to call them
You can even call them princess or prints
You can even tell them how much you like them
Don’t go bit overboard when you text your crush
You are right. I have true strong feelings for him but even he can’t like me. I’m waiting for him forever
Yes im young. Im a teenager and i have a bf. And i know that he is the person im gonna spend the rest of my life with. No matter what people think and say. We continued creating pur own story. We love each other unconditionally and love each outher despite our imperfections. He made me feel everything i wanteed to feel. He reminds me everyday that im very important to hin and im very special. He always reminds me how beautiful i am. We love each other and only each other. I believe that he is the one with or without signs. Together we will fight all the challenges. We will believe in each other even if no one does. I hope each of you will find a guy that is willing to sacrifice everything for you. ANd when you do dont ever let him go. Dont give up no matter how hard itll be worth it
How to find she is love To me
Well I had a bf who I was dating, he has this girl he always used as his WhatsApp dp instead of using my pics as his gf…..I felt so uncomfortable with that and sorted for a breakup when he asked I told him my reasons he claimed the girl is only a CRUSH and nothing more than that
I accepted him back cos I still loved him
But he kept using this girls pics as his WhatsApp dp…is this crushing of a thing not a way of double dating
Yes, you are true love is long-term and a crush maybe a short time. But at first, you have to crush anyone then you love him or her.
very nice