Differences Between a Pimple and Herpes
Pimple vs Herpes
We are all very conscious when it comes to skin care. When we have pimples, we often take care of them right away. But how will you know whether you have a pimple or herpes sores? It is said that pimples and herpes sores are very much alike which is why people are getting confused. In this article, let us shed some light regarding the differences between pimples and herpes.
To differentiate a pimple from a herpes sore, let us discuss its appearance. When you have a pimple, it usually looks like a white, pus-filled head. On the other hand, the appearance of a herpes sore is a clear, fluid-filled blister. Also, pimples usually occur as single sores while herpes sores usually form in clusters. If you are not very observant enough, pimples can be mistaken as herpes sores or the other way around.
Another definitive way to distinguish pimples and herpes sores apart are their locations. Pimples may arise from the face, neck, and even your back. If the pimples occur near the mouth, eyes, nose, and genitals, most likely, they are herpes sores. During the initial phase of herpes, you can experience a burning, tingling, and itchy sensation. The affected skin will also be chapped because of the herpes. Pimples don’t often cause pain and itchy sensations unless you touch them. The best way to distinguish pimples from herpes sores is through consulting a dermatologist.
If you are wondering why you have pimples, they are often caused by oils being trapped under your skin. These trapped oils collect and form a blister. No wonder a pimple looks like a herpes sore because it has red skin with a white blister at the center or on top. Pimples often have single blisters while herpes sores have several blisters which are lumped together. You can spot pimples on your face, cheeks, neck, arms, and even on your back. Most often, herpes sores occur around the mouth especially at the lip area. We also have what we call genital herpes. It occurs in the groin area, and it can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.
To be able to get rid of your pimples, you should regularly wash your face. Washing your face removes the build-up of dirt and oil which often causes pimples. Don’t squeeze your pimples as this may cause severe infection. When you have pimples, avoid putting on makeup. Makeup can irritate your skin and can make your pimples swell even larger. If your pimples are on your back, avoid wearing tight clothing. Wear loose clothing instead. Avoid touching your face with dirty hands. Wash your hands first.
As for your herpes sores, it is better to consult a physician. Herpes sores are actually caused by a viral infection. Your physician will then prescribe you recommended special soaps, medical ointments, and medicine. Unlike pimples, herpes sores are more difficult to treat. Pimples fade away as long as you wash your face regularly. But with herpes sores, it requires medical intervention.
When you have a pimple, it usually looks like a white, pus-filled head. On the other hand, the appearance of a herpes sore is a clear, fluid-filled blister.
Pimples usually occur as single sores while herpes sores usually form in clusters.
You can spot pimples on your face, cheeks, neck, arms, and even on your back. Most often, herpes sores occur around the mouth especially at the lip area.
We also have what we call genital herpes. It occurs in the groin area.
Pimples can be treated with regular washing while herpes sores require medical intervention.
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There is one thing wrong with this form and it’s your information.
Good basic article except you can get pimples and ingrown hairs in your groin and anywhere on the body. Herpes blister can also have a yellowing and mikly white to them. These fluids are thin watery unlike most pimples. A herpes blister can be single or more often in clusters. If you look close a herpes blister will have a small indent in the center where a pimple will have a white head and a ingrown hair will have a dark hair or speck Inside it. A herpes blister will take days to weeks to heal.
Ok first off you can get pimples anywhere on your body and just because you may get one on your dick, does not mean it is herpes. This is a dumb article. Huge difference between pimples and herpes… if you’ve come to get info on this matter. Please refer to a different article.