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Difference Between Stoned and High

Stoned vs High

“Stoned” and “high” are two descriptive terms for a person’s feeling, state of mind, and/or bodily condition after taking addictive substances like drugs and alcohol. Both of these feelings or state of mind are second and third levels after taking the drugs. The previous level, called the “buzz,” is considered as the initial level or step before going “high” and further to “stoned.”

Both states of mind and conditions happen after too heavy a consumption of the substance into the body.

“High” is a feeling characterized by a euphoric state of mind. It is often accompanied by high energy, happy feelings, mood swings, and other unexpected and intense feelings. Sometimes the body is pumped with adrenaline that enables the person to do many things within a short time frame. The “high” state of mind usually comes first and is the main objective of a person doing drugs. A “high” can give happy feelings or an overwhelming sense of confidence. Being “high” leads to the “stoned” state of mind or condition where the body is in an opposite state.

In terms of marijuana or weed, these two conditions can be achieved by two different varieties of plant. These two types are called Cannabis sativa and indica.

The sativa “high” is described as uplifting and energetic. The effects of this type of plant are mostly cerebral, meaning in the brain, like optimism and the lessening of pain. This type of “high” encourages and stimulates brain activity that leads to evoking different feelings, an overactive imagination, and sometimes irrational behavior. Pure sativa or a very high dosage can cause spacey and hallucinogenic effects.

The other marijuana plant, the Cannabis indica, also produces a “high.” The indica “high” is characterized as heavy and stony. This type of “high” is usually in the form of a pleasant and pleasurable buzz within the body and the brain.

Both varieties can be used together and simultaneously. The effect is a combination of the “highs” both varieties provide although the “high” effect is dependent on the ratio of each leaf in the mix.

On the other hand, “stoned” is the opposite state mind of “high.” When a person is “stoned,” the body is mostly relaxed to almost a lethargic condition. The body’s functions and organs are slower compared to a person being “high.” In this situation, the calmness and the lethargy are the aftereffects of the person’s peak experience with the drugs or the body’s reaction after the adrenaline rush.

The “stoned” terminology connotes a lazy, calm, or lack of feelings on the part of the person. Usually, the person is lying down or doesn’t move at all when they reach this state.


1.“High” and “stoned” are two different feelings, states of mind, and bodily conditions of a person who has consumed too much of an addictive substance, most often by taking drugs into their body.
2.Both “high” and “stoned” occur after the first level called the “buzz.” The “high” comes before the “buzz” after ingesting an additional amount of the substance. When an additional amount of the substance is consumed, the body goes into a “stoned” condition, the third and final level where the body is in a sedated state.
3.A “high” is the condition where the person has a high, elated, energetic, overconfident, or euphoric feeling. There is also a feeling of craving more of the substance or uncontrollable feelings of laughter. A person on a “high” still has body movement and mobility. On the other hand, being “stoned” means that the person and his body are in a calm and lethargic state. The body is still, sedate, and the person’s body is mostly at rest.
4.Getting “high” is the objective of a person taking drugs while being “stoned” is the aftereffect or aftermath of being “high.”
5.In terms of marijuana, there are two different “highs” depending on what plant is used. A Cannabis sativa “high” is characterized as uplifting and energetic while the Cannabis indica “highs” are a pleasant feeling of the body. Both varieties can be combined, but the effect is dependent on the ratio of each type of leaf in the mixture.

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  1. Hold on. Someone actually codified the difference between stoned and high? Who would that person be, I wondered, and what would be their qualifications? (The article was attributed to a “Celine.”)

    As I began the read the article, I couldn’t get rid of a nagging feeling that it was sneaked onto the site by a writer for The Onion. I’m still not 100% sure it’s not a parody.

    I’d love to hear Celine’s analysis on where “baked” falls on the buzz/high/stoned spectrum. And an infographic would be nice addition to the page, too.

  2. [I’d love to hear Celine’s analysis on where “baked” falls on the buzz/high/stoned spectrum. And an infographic would be nice addition to the page, too.]

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