Difference Between Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine
Dextroamphetamine is a dextrorotary stereoisomer of the real amphetamine molecule. Â It acts as a stimulant that works in increasing wakefulness and decreasing fatigue and at times appetite. Â It is the right handed stereoisomer of amphetamine, the other side being called the levoamphetamine. Â Amphetamine is also a stimulant that acts by increasing the heart rate and the blood pressure to create a more active output from the person taking the medication. Â The medication is mostly used to treat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and brain injury in accidents. Â On the other hand, the dextroamphetamine is more used for treatment of ADHD alone. Â The amphetamine drugs were created in 1887 by a Romanian chemist by the name of Lazar Edeleanu in Germany. Â Dextroamphetamine was discovered and developed for use under the chemical name of “phenylisopropylamine” also by Edeleanu. Â In the 1970s, the discovery of normal use of the drugs leads to the assumption that it can be quite an addictive medication that can be abused with a constant and regular use.
When it comes to contraindications, the amphetamine is noted to increase cardiac output and blood pressure. Â Thus, this drug is often prohibited for use by people who are suffering from heart diseases and hypertension. Â There are some indications that people who take the drugs together with MAOI or monoamine oxidase inhibitors can lead to life threatening situations. Â Another effect or contraindication of the drugs is that it can lead to an excessive mydriasis or the increased dilation of the pupils. Â On the other hand, the dextroamphetamine is noted to have contraindications of advanced arteriosclerosis, symptomatic cardiovascular diseases, hypersensitivity and glaucoma. Â It is also noted that persons who have taken MAOI drugs with the dextroamphetamine can have effects of hypertensive crises.
Amphetamine comes in various forms such as powders, crystallized forms, and rock formations. Â It may also come in pills and some substance forms that can be mixed with water. Â The dextroamphetamine, on the other hand, comes in the forms of pills and tablets. Â The variances of the application for the amphetamine are dependent on the usage it will be put to. Â This is because the drugs are often seen as performance enhancers that can increase the level of activity of a person. Â Athletes use the drug as a way to keep their physical well-being and awareness on a top level. Â The dextroamphetamine, on the other hand, is well-accepted and recommended for use by the US Air Force for their pilots as a way to give them alertness and awareness when traveling on long missions.
1. Dextroamphetamine is a stereoisomer of amphetamine on the right hand side of the molecule while amphetamine is a real drug in itself.
2. Amphetamine is used for treating patients that have suffered brain injury and ADHD while dextroamphetamine is recommended for ADHD patients only.
3. Amphetamine comes in various forms of pills, powder and crystallized substances while the dextroamphetamine only takes the forms of pills and tablets most of the time.
4. Amphetamine is used mostly by athletes as an illegal way to give their system a boost while the dextroamphetamine is recommended by the U.S. Air Force for their pilots.
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I don’t have a response, but just a question I hope you can answer. I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrom. My episodes were very bad.
I slept for weeks and sometimes a month at a time. Other then going to the bathroom and sometimes eating I slept. I never knew when I was going to have a episode it would just happen instantly. After time I felt that I was missing out on so much of the world because I could not stay awake. There was so much to see and do in the world and I felt I missing out on all of it. I almost felt like I was in a coma, my mind and body would not allow me to get up. After year’s I begain to get depressed.
I was going to the doctors and the hospital at least 3 times a week. The doctors would find nothing wrong. I did not want to live that way anymore. I had almost lost hope and then……….
A few years ago I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrom after my last sleep assessment, I was put on Adderall. 1 30 mg of Adderal xr daily and 2 Adderal IR “Immediate Release daily”. It has helped me get up but I still feel tired and sometimes when I have one of my episodes I now sleep only 2 days instead of several weeks. I still feel tired just not as bad. I don’t know what other kind of medications are out there, but I think my adderall is not strong enough at times. When I refill my prescription sometimes they work good and other times it does not work at all. Should I try the name brand adderall? If so how many brand names are out there?
Try Topamax. That’s what helped me. My doctor decided to give it a shot and was surprised when it worked.
I have chronic fatigue. It seems to be related to emotional upheval, for me. I have adhd. Was put on ampheta salts (by BARR) 20 mg. and have gradually (over a period of years, due to abusive marriage) become functional enough to where I can stand myself. I was already on citalopram (still am) but what good does it do if you can’t motivate, concentrate, and your mind just grabs the bit and takes off at a gallop, you know? So I was dangling by a thread when I finally called a doc. The doc saw me for 3 years before putting me on ampheta salts; she (and my cats) saved my life. So did the ampheta and now that my husband’s outta the house I’m really doing okay…knock wood:) I took adderall briefly and felt nothing- my guess is that I need the physical ‘lift’ of the Instant Release (ampheta salts) as well as the mental ‘organization’, while adderal is eXtended Release (Adderall XR) so it did nothing for my paralyzing lack of giddy-up. I’ve had amazing good luck with both finding a great doc and the right meds- I’ve heard horror stories. Hope that helps.
Hello I feel like hollow and afraid to breathe cuz it makes me feel my mental unstable state. I also have Lyme restless leg and chronic pain. Can u help me find regulation. I’ll be moving to Nevada area how do I find right kind of doctors
I read your post and I also take this drug to keep me awake. I have found that is really depends on the manufacturer on if it is going to work for me. I can take a 30mg and a 15mg and fall asleep with no problem. There are times when it works fine. But with each new script I find myself wondering what this new script is going to do if anything. I don’t have any answers for you but I just know that what you wrote are the same issues I find myself thinking about all the time.
Good luck to you
Ask your doctor about Provigil or Nuvigil. Doctors prescribe these medications for shift workers, pilots and those with jobs that require frequent traveling (bodies that don’t have set routines due to work).
Provigil and Nuvigil were designed to make your body stay awake when it’s not suppose to be awake; to push through the normal release of chemicals that cause one to get tired and sleep (Nuvigil being the newer version of Provigil).
My doctor had me on Nuvigil for my chronic fatigue, but wound up being too strong and my heart began to suffer from the simulant. I had to be brought back down to Adderall; it isn’t ANYWHERE near as strong as Nuvigil! I think if you’re taking that much Adderall a day and still feeling sleepy you might want to at least ask your doctor to check you liver, kidneys and heart, and as long as your organs aren’t damaged you should be able to at least try Provigil or Nuvigilcan’t.
I don’t know where the can’t at the end of my post came from. So just to be 100% clear, obviously the drug name isn’t Nuvigilcan’t. Is just Nuvigil. Sorry about that!
And, I really want to stress, that your doctor should be checking you routinely to make sure the simulants are not damaging your body’s vital organs! If he isn’t, then you take control of your body and demand he run blood work and EKGs routinely!
Good luck!
I also wanted to mention that if I’m having heavy-duty calamity (like this divorce was at first) then ampheta salts just put me to sleep.
i was diagnosed with ADD several years ago and then on top of that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I was put on Adderall first 30mg then to twice daily. What I noticed was the variation in the medication being generic i believe to be the problem. At first I blamed the pharmacies and switched but the medication seemed the same. This month I told the pharmacist about the medication and that it was like taking placebos. He looked at me with a strange look and when I walked away someone was called back to the pharmacy. I got my prescription and went home. For the first half of the bottle the pills were great! I could tell immediately that the pills were strong because my energy level increased within 30-45 mins. and my attention span was much greater;however when I got down to the second half of the bottle the pills were like taking a placebo again. I go from a robust person right back to the chronic fatigue, staying exhausted, sleepy and may I say hungry. The first half of course also curbed my appetite and I sweat. I have been putting up with this for 6 months now and it is getting increasingly annoying. I know there is something wrong because when I take the actual adderall I also have to take a mild xanax due to the increase in my heart rate but that is something I have always done I also suffer from anxiety. But how I know there is something fishy about the adderall is that I don’t need to take the xanax with the 2nd half of the bottle either.It was as if the pharmacy realized I had caught them at their game and gave me half good and half bull crap. I am getting ready to start back to college in a few weeks and I cannot continue like this. I feel like these pharmacies or some anyway are giving the patients bad medication. I have medical conditions that unfortunately require medication in order for me to focus and stay awake. This is beginning to cause me problems with my job because I will perform great and then all of the sudden I am back to the forgetful, exhausted me. I have told my doctor about this as well as bringing it up to the pharmacies. I was given Concerta which worked great until I had to get the generic and once again the medication was like taking nothing but the name brand were over $300 a prescription and I had to switch back to the Adderall. Is anyone else experiencing this with their medications.
Letitia, I started taking Adderall approximately eight years ago and have always noticed a huge difference in between the brand name and the generics. When I could manage the cost of 350.00 I would pay it at the expense of going without other necessities. My family would even lend the money to me because they could see the extreme change in not only my behavior but my life would get on track , where it belonged. I have not been able to afford it in sometime and why when you have insurance that will cover the generics? I have gone back and forth between pharmacies noticing differences in the TEVA Brand vs. Barr and back and forth and while I could have had enough brains to avoid many a situation or choice’s I would have never made if I had been receiving the correct drug. I noticed with the generics Xanax had to play a role because the generic drug felt “dirty”? I am presently having a horrific time with my new Doctors at Kaiser because I am unable to articulate how this is truly affecting my life. My self esteem is shot because I accomplish nothing. Anything I attempt to do ends in a bigger mess so I spend almost all of my time alone avoiding engaging with anyone. And then because of all the bull that I have accumulated over these years of dis-function is still rattling around in my head unable to get filed into an appropriate place I will just get so disgusted with the situation and start to drink and oh boy its on and Miss social appears……..I find this most interesting, because we are suppose to be addressing “preventative care” while all along are we just creating or at the least enabling all kind of new issues to arise. I think healthy thinking will lead to healthy choices.
Read more: Difference Between Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine | Difference Between | Amphetamine vs Dextroamphetamine http://www.differencebetween.net/science/health/difference-between-amphetamine-and-dextroamphetamine/#ixzz3Anxeji6f
Yes!!! I had anyways had Adderall XR then the script said dextroamphetimine ,BIG DIFFERENCE now 1mo later it says amphetamine salts.
I’M VERY irritated, didn’t make sense. When tough look up the dextro vs Ampheta they work differently.
I don’t like my medicine be jacked with!!!
Were the dextroamphetamine more effect than the adderall
Letitia, I started taking Adderall approximately eight years ago and have always noticed a huge difference in between the brand name and the generics. When I could manage the cost of 350.00 I would pay it at the expense of going without other necessities. My family would even lend the money to me because they could see the extreme change in not only my behavior but my life would get on track , where it belonged. I have not been able to afford it in sometime and why when you have insurance that will cover the generics? I have gone back and forth between pharmacies noticing differences in the TEVA Brand vs. Barr and back and forth and while I could have had enough brains to avoid many a situation or choice’s I would have never made if I had been receiving the correct drug. I noticed with the generics Xanax had to play a role because the generic drug felt “dirty”? I am presently having a horrific time with my new Doctors at Kaiser because I am unable to articulate how this is truly affecting my life. My self esteem is shot because I accomplish nothing. Anything I attempt to do ends in a bigger mess so I spend almost all of my time alone avoiding engaging with anyone. And then because of all the bull that I have accumulated over these years of dis-function is still rattling around in my head unable to get filed into an appropriate place I will just get so disgusted with the situation and start to drink and oh boy its on and Miss social appears……..I find this most interesting, because we are suppose to be addressing “preventative care” while all along are we just creating or at the least enabling all kind of new issues to arise. I think healthy thinking will lead to healthy choices.
I went to get my daughters Adderal 30xr filled. The pharmacist asked if she ever tried L-THEANINE. I GUESS IT IS THE NATURAL ADDERAL..So I bought a bottle and got her rx. She tried using L-Theanine and loved it. No more Adderal. She is able to focus just as well. It worked better than Adderal without the nervous feeling. It has made it so she socializes (sp) better.
The pharmacist recommends younger children use the herbal supplement also after checking with their Dr.
I have researched L-Theanine and there are zero side effects and it helps with Stress Management.
Hi. Does the natural Adderall give a boost to get going in morning and energy thru day night and gentle on the body without having up and down depressive episodes. What dose how many times a day. Thanks
Try mydayis. It’s a new medication. Like adderall, but lasts 16 hours. Changed my life!!!
I’m going to try
Can anyone help me find treatment for restless leg….its not just at night and gives me a creepy crawly heeby geeby sensation and I’m unable to open eyes or get up so dibilitating. The only thing that works is Adderall but when that wears out in 4hrs I feel almost suicidal. I’m at a loss
My doctor treated my restless leg syndrome with klonopin 1mg at bedtime, but it left me sleepy in the am and titrated to 0.5mg. It helps me sleep plus no RLS. There are other meds but not familiar with them.
Roprinole is what my Dr gave me for restless leg syndrome
Carrie my husbands restless leg completely resolved with gabapentin.
I’ve taken adderall before for my ADD, and also concerta. I stopped taking these for Over 10 years till I noticed I was slipping at work. I went to my doctor and he gave me Mydayis. It’s a new adhd medication. And it’s amazing! It is an extended release medication containing amphetamine and dextroamphetime. It lasts 16 hours! I do admit I have problems falling asleep sometimes, but on the days I don’t get as much sleep as I usually do, the medication helps offset it. I highly recommend you talk to your doctors about this medicine because it’s better than adderall. Mydayis is one and done, unlike adderall where it wears off after 15 pills and you have to start taking IR along with the XR.
I need this information emailed to me! I too fall asleep while taking amphetamine salts-20mg! I have ADD and Narcolepsy!
What is the difference between amphetamine sulfate and dextroamphetamine with amphetamine? Are they both generic addetall?