Difference Between Zucchini and Courgette
Zucchini Vs Courgette
The reason why zucchini and courgette are being put into much confusion is because they come from one family of vegetables; both summer squash veggies belonging to the cucurbit vegetable family (Cucurbita pepo). Their colors vary because some are yellow whereas others are green.
The etymology of the zucchini vegetable comes from the Italian word zucchino, which literally means a tiny squash or undeveloped marrow. On the contrary, courgette is obviously of French origin. It can also be regarded as the French term counterpart for the word zucchini itself.
Moreover, Zucchini and courgette are the same plant vegetables but are different terms used depending on the dominant language of a specific country. The first is usually used in territories rich in English, which is Northern American or Australian in nature. The latter is being used for French and British English users, as well as, the English speaking public who resides in New Zealand and South Africa.
Zucchini and courgette are different from each although they pertain to the same vegetable family that is growing in its various stages of development. In this regard, the market has made a standard definition for both veggies. During its infant growth, these baby plants can already be harvested after reaching a dimension of about 14 by 4 centimeters in length. This size is actually comparable to how small a typical cigar is. At this point, this veggie is best termed as a courgette. In the latter part of this vegetable’s growth, it can already be regarded as a zucchini after growing some more as it grows to about 15-20 centimeters. This veggie is preferably served cooked contrary to its cucumber counterpart. Lastly, there is also another term for this same plant that has almost matured and has reached its maximum size. At this time, it is already more suitable to call it a marrow. Overall, courgettes are smaller and younger whereas zucchinis are older and bigger in size.
Summary :
1.The term Zucchini has an Italian origin while courgette is relatively French.
2.Zucchini is used by those people who speak North American and Australian English whereas courgette is used by those who speak French, British, New Zealand and South African English.
3.Zucchini and courgette are the same plant veggies but are used to refer to that same plant, which is growing across its different stages of plant development. The courgette is smaller and estimated to be about 14 x 4 cm long whereas the zucchini is bigger, which is estimated to grow as big as 15-20 cm.
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My local greengrocer is selling,after close inspection and comparason by myself the same veggie under two names at different prices Courgettes R15 PER 500g and Baby Marrows at R9.50 per 500g .
Dont be had like i nearly was.!! Argue !! I did until i got what was supposed to be Courgettes at the Baby Marrow price.
just to be pedantic but British English must surely be “English” – ie spoken in England and English spoken in Ameria bust be American English?
In the uk we refer to Zuccini as courgette
I agree. This gave me a chuckle.
I chuckled too.
For a slightly different reason The lengthy and circuitous search for a difference where there is none. Especially not the “size” thing.
And “relatively French” raised another smile. “Courgette” is from “courge” a generic name for “cucurbitacé” which is unwieldy.
“Gourd” probably.
So “courgette” means “little gourd”.
It’s the same as zuchini, which is italian is all.
Yes, English is the only possible correct English, not American English.
Just as French from France is the real French & Canadian French is a variation.
Americans will argue that language changes and evolves & so English has become something new – but in actual fact it is English from England which has evolved & American English uses mostly Old & Middle English words. After America was colonised, Britain had some trends to return some words to the Latin root & others to the French, while America retains the Old English words. An example being the Old English “Color” compared to the French spelling “Colour”.
Really we should refer to English from England as just “English”, not ‘British English’. “American English” is how we should differentiate. It would sound silly to say “French French” or Spanish Spanish” wouldnt it?
What fun you must be at parties! I wouldn’t be able to tear myself away.
“Oh good, Paul’s here. He’s probably talking about what proper English is again and how it all originated from England and is the only possible correct form of English. Come on, sit and have a listen. He’s such a FUN guy. Isn’t this fun? Why are you putting a loaded gun in your mouth?”
If you were looking for a party John, why are you reading a page about the etymology of Zucchini/Courgette? & why are bringing a gun to the party?! …because we certainly don’t have those in England either 😉
Technically, the French spoken natively in north America is actually closer to the roots of the French language than what the French currently speak. The French would then be the ones speaking a derivative of their own language. Ultimately, the European colonial countries will always view what used to be their colonies as second class citizens. Meanwhile, the colonies will resent that and tell the Europeans to stuff it.
I dont think people from Europe view ex-territories as inferior at all. Actually quite the opposite.
I am from the UK & the majority will say Canadian & Australian versions of English are seen as great & we really appreciate the slang words & mannerisms that they use. We enjoy their TV shows & cultures enormously & there is a lot we can learn from how they run their countries.
I have also found meeting many Canadians & Australians that they share a similar view & we find it easy to make friends & have a natural bond when meeting for the first time.
This article pretends that it’s called “courgette” in France and that the British are the only other non-French speakers using “courgette” and everyone else goes with “zucchini”. However is also “courgette” in most of continental Europe from Scandinavia, Germany and the Netherlands to France.
I’m from Germany and I can assure you, that we say “Zucchini”, not Courgette.
In Holland it’s called courgette, here in Spain we call it calabacín
Yes, and calabacín is a diminutive of calabaza which is like zucchini / zucva mad courgette/courge and is also probably where english gets the word ‘calabash’ for certain types of gourds. I’m pretty sure there is no difference at all.
In Sweden it’s called zucchini by most people or squash.
Never heard of “Courgette”!!
I had to Google and ended up here…
Even in Kenya We call it Courgette. So nothing like Zucchini
Complete opposite in America. We call it zucchini. If it comes small in the grocery store, they probably hold the bigger ones in the back and have a tiny selection on the shelf until they get rid of the small/irregular shape ones that they can get away with not giving at discount due to customer just being lucky to get something in that type vegetable. I have never heard of “courgettes” (at the age of 41), hence the look up. I wonder if the courgettes are healthier than zucchinies as whole foods often are at younger age.
I had to look it up also.
I did think it was a French word…
Good point about whether more nutritious at a younger stage!
I am from Quebec Canada and I use the word Zucchini
I’m from England and we say courgette. Does it really matter if it is French, English, Canadian.
Courgette or Zucchini they serve the same purpose . They are vegetables.
So the long winded explanation is very confusing. I gather It is the same vegetable but at different stages of growth, a different name is used.
So, ah, err…are they the same? Or similar enough? can i use a zuccini in a recipe that calls for a courgette? Thats all i wanted to lnow when i ean upon this conversation!
Our family just call them the stingy squashy, or zebra squash.
But then that’s just us.
Dinner’s at 7pm
But you’re probably late so I’ll put it in the icey thingy.
This article is wrong, its says the English speaking people of New Zealand (nearly everyone here unless you’re a new immigrant) call it a courgette, no way everyone calls it a zucchini.
They are different words for the same thing. Otherwise what would Italian’s call small Zucchini, they certainly wouldn’t call them courgettes.
The size difference is a complete misrepresentation, however there are many different varieties of these plants with different shapes, different colours etc…