Difference Between Training and Running Shoes
Training vs. Running Shoes
Many people treat most rubber shoes and the like as athletic shoes. Simple walking shoes, sneakers, gym shoes, running shoes and training shoes can be considered one and the same footwear. Although they share lots of similar characteristics, some of these shoes still differ from each other in a variety of aspects. The same goes with training and running shoes.
Training shoes are different from running shoes. These footwear are not meant for everyone’s usage. They are perhaps the most versatile of all athletic shoes. Otherwise known as cross training shoes, these shoes are perfect for sports, as they provide the wearer or user with utmost comfort and stability. Because of their durability, they can also be used for many other physical events. However, these events do not include continuous running, because most training shoes are found to be heavier than running shoes.
During usual training sessions, there are repeated movements to condition the legs. Trainings like kickboxing, weight lifting and aerobics, among others, all require the right shoes to do the trick. These physical activities require lateral movements of the legs, and so, training shoes are just the right footwear to be used. They are designed with additional support at the sides for better lateral movements of the feet. In addition, they have lighter treads that will also do for short walking or warm-up cardio running.
Running shoes are lightweight footwear purely designed for prolonged or regular running. They can provide more cushioning and flexibility to the foot during running events as opposed to regular training shoes. This cushioning aids in shock absorption, especially during impact against the ground. Running shoes are designed for forward movements. They have thicker heels and are more flexible at the toe region. Its soles are arched giving an upward curve to the shoe tip. Moreover, running shoes often have intricate treads that help with moving or running forward. With this design, energy is properly channeled from the legs of the runner to his feet, and towards the running aisle.
The problem nowadays with people engaged in sports and physical activities, is the ignorance of the proper selection of footwear. In the end, they are most likely unable to achieve proper balance and comfort, and end up destroying their shoes in no time. By properly choosing the correct shoes for the appropriate activity, the user will be able to perform better. Here’s a summary:
1. Training shoes are usually heavier than running shoes.
2. Training shoes have better support at the sides as opposed to running shoes.
3. Training shoes have lighter treads than running shoes.
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Thank You! Really helpful article
It really helped me to pick my running shoes.
thanks. it’s so useful 4 me
Great article! Thank you… I have been using running shoes for training and just bought a pair of training shoes and I can definitely feel the difference.
Thanks a lot!!
I used running shoes for an aerobics class and ended up with a Jones fracture. Its a class I’ve been taking for some time and the only new thing was the shoes. The running shoes has a little more sole/heels than training shoes, hence I ended up twisting my feet and missing 6 – 10 weeks of workout 🙁
So be careful!!! Cheers
Really helpful article! Thanks!
Feels good in the cold weather.
Running shoes also have a heal lock which are those extra holes for your laces.
See here:
Thank you so much.
Really helpful as I did not know any difference between the many shoes out there, walking/running/training etc.
I use my Nike Revolution 2( i don’t know if its running shoes or training shoes or something else) for everything, from gym to running to work to party etc lol
What type of shoes are good for les mills body combat cardio class?
What shoes do you recommend for Zumba.
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