Difference Between Luge and Skeleton
Luge vs. Skeleton
Winter sports probably have the most unique of all sports known to man. The events showcased are truly nerve wrecking. It usually takes the greatest amount of courage just to participate in one of these very unusual, not to mention, dangerous sports. In this connection, two winter sporting events raise the danger level to the extreme. These are the luge and the skeleton. Here, instead of the player riding an enclosed sleigh type vehicle, both luge and skeleton sleds warrant the player to ride on a fragile-looking, tray-like sled, commonly termed pods.
There’s a peculiar difference between a skeleton sled and a luge sled. Although they traverse similar tracks, their physical characteristics vary. In the luge sliding sport, the slider sleds or rides a pod made of aerodynamically designed fiberglass, with curved edges. This feature allows the rider some control over his lower body in his descents to speeds as fast as 90 mph. And the hard part is ‘“ it is a feet first, face up (supine position) sport. Moreover, this type of sled is 6 to 9 inches longer than that of the skeleton sled.
Otherwise known as tobogganing, skeleton sport makes use of a rather different skeleton sled. Its frame does not show the abovementioned features of the luge sled. It is a lot heavier, approximately 40 pounds more than the other. Contrary to the luge sled, the slider of the skeleton sled maneuvers in a head first fashion. He is also facing down towards the track (like in a prone position).
With regard to safety, both one-person sliding sports are timed to the hundredth of a second. They are undoubtedly the fastest sliding sports during the Winter Olympics. However, skeleton is regarded to be much safer than luge. Actually, it is considered to be the safest among all other sliding sports. Controlling the skeleton sled is much easier, with just the use of fine body movements (shifting of weight); unlike in luge, where the rider needs to press the sled’s runners using their calves for better steering. Because of this ease of operation, there is little or less tendency for the skeleton rider to be wiped out during a turn. It is also important to note that both sled types don’t employ the use of breaks. Hence, it’s really very difficult to guarantee the rider’s safety from being smashed against the cold solid ice at speeds of 85mph or greater.
1. The luge sled is a longer sled that has curved edges, whereas the skeleton sled is much heavier.
2. Luge is a feet first, face-up sport, whereas skeleton is a head first, face down sliding sport.
3. Skeleton is a much safer sport compared to luge.
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