Difference Between Hope and Faith
Hope vs. Faith
Hope is an action predicated on uncertainty. It is a word that describes the act of being unsure about one’s circumstances, and, essentially, wishing for an outcome conducive to one’s desires. It is based on the idea of faith; however, it is more or less an ideology rooted in the fear of the unknown. When one is unable to foresee his future, or the outcome of any particular situation, he is left with hope that the outcome suites his particular needs and desires.
Faith is based on the idea, that whatever the outcome is, it is for the better. It is an idea that is more spiritually based than hope, because it assumes that there is a force at work that will account for all actions that take place; no matter what the eventual outcome of a situation, faith requires its wearer to have full confidence that it is for the best in his or her life.
While faith is mostly acquainted with religious doctrine, hope is an idea that is spread through an understanding that no one is perfectly sure that there is a sound outcome to their situations. Hope is a destination, so to speak, rather than an actuality. In faith-based religions, there is the understanding that a Supreme Being is a ruler of all things, living and dead, things that are and are to be. Faith is a psychosis, so to speak; it forces whoever is the possessor to be completely reliant on the notion of a particular outcome, rather than the probability that the outcome will happen despite the environment.
Hope is more of a logical understanding of time and space. It is no more proof that something will happen than it is proof that there will even be an occurrence. Hope, though always associated with spirituality, and most notably in doctrinated religions, is more based on the facts of the situation, and the desire for those facts to add up to a desirable end. Faith is based solely on the ability of the possessor to be completely reliant on an outside force, regardless of the circumstances, or how the facts seem to align. To have faith is to understand that, despite the facts of a situation, the turnout is going to be what one desires it to be in the long run – while hope is the means, faith is based on the ends.
1. Hope is more logically based, as it recognizes the facts, and simply desires that those facts add up to a positive outcome; faith is based solely on a blind resolution that, no matter how the facts add up, the proper outcome will always prevail.
2. Hope understands the uncertainty of situations; faith does not recognize uncertainty, and only understands that there is a plan devised by a higher power to make all things work out in the proper way.
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Wow — just wow. This more or less exactly sums up my thoughts on why faith is quite overrated and why I will choose hope over it any day of the week, month or year.
Major, major kudos to the author of this article as I cannot express via the interwebs how much I love it!
I disagree with the explanation of both Faith and hope from a Christian perspective. Faith and hope are both connected based on Hebrews 11:1: Now, Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is based on hoped for unseen things. Hope is evidence that the thing will happen. All of this is based on not superstition, but what God (what you call the supernatural power) has said in his word (the Bible). Since God can’t lie and he knows all things then we can believe it even though we don’t see it yet. Hope is not wishful thinking, it is assurance since for the future since we have it from a good source who will perform his word.
There is a difference between faith and hope. When faith takes place hope is passed. Note Hebrews 11 as translated in the King James translation the word HOPED. It signifies hope is no longer but the substance become evident (factually exists). Faith actually says it is NOW in the realm
i just want to know the different between FAITH & HOPE.LOVE & TRUST.
wow is right…incredibly cynical view on two incredibly powerful ways to live life. Hope is the confidence and belief that tomorrow will be better…faith is the action and way to live your life to accomplish this and realize this hope. For example, Martin Luther King Jr. had hope for a world free of discrimination and had the belief that this would come to pass (“I Have A Dream” is all about his hope for the world). But he didn’t just “hope” it would happen, he took action to make it happen. He had faith that his words and deeds would make a difference in realizing his hope. Faith is not blind trust in an unseen force, but a partnership between human action and divine power. Or from the Christian understanding of faith, “faith without works (actions) is dead…”
I normally don’t reply to anything – but – when looking for something for my youth group’s talk, I stumbled on this article and your response. Very good. Good catch on the cynical. Both are powerful views. I have never met a person that exercises faith that was lazy however I have come across a lot of folks who lazily spend their lives hoping, but never exercising hope with any faith. Faith in our own abilities or in unknowns will lead to disappointment and cynicism just like the author appears to have ended up.
I couldn’t agree more. This is a very cynical and biased view of Hope and Faith.
Faith is a partnership with the universal (divine) consciousness, regardless of what you call it, that allows for us to see our hopes fulfilled. It is the understanding that hope, without faith, is simply an idea. Hope with Faith becomes a reality.
Faith is something more than you can describe. It’s what drives most Christians (and other religions alike, even Aethists) to keep going, no matter what. As far as I’m concerned, faith is unshakable while hope is for the weakly-constituted. Don’t get me wrong, hope is excellent. It just lacks willpower.
Bob see my commits dated on today 7-30-14. See if they don’t changes your mind some to understand these issues better.
There is no difference between the two. Their both a sense of security. It’s the same thing as wishing. Which I also believe that the question at hand should’ve been “Difference Between Hope, Faith and Wishing”. Just my thought that’s all.
Faith is believing something supernatural without any real reason except the word of others.
Gullibility is believing what others tell you without any real reason.
Try to stay away from anyone that says you have to have “Faith.”
There is nothing Supernatural about faith.
I do not ‘hope’ that the sun will come up tomorrow I have FAITH, because the rotation of the Earth is governed by laws.
I do not hope that the leaves will change color and fall in the autumn; I have FAITH, because the seasons are governed by laws.
I do not hope that hydrogen and oxygen will form water; I have FAITH, because of the laws of science tell me that it will.
FAITH does not need the existence of supernatural anything. FAITH is a belief that all things happen in an ordered fashion, that an action creates a reaction and that a desired outcome can be achieved when the appropriate laws are known and adhered to.
Faith has, and will always be in our environment. Hope is in the stories. Faith is stable and positioned in our everyday experiences while hope is unstable, it is simply wishing and dreaming. It has its place, but it is not faith…We may say hopeful things in our prayers but we exercise faithful works when we help our brothers and sisters. Faith is in the sunshine and the rain; and we trust the sun will come with the rain.
There is one story from the life of Jesus Christ that comes to mind regarding the difference between Faith and Hope:
The night before he was crucified, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane with his disciples and prayed alone to God in which he said: “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:42 NIV).
This prayer of Jesus consists of both Hope and Faith as shown below:
1. Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me (HOPE)
2. Yet not my will, but yours be done (FAITH)
I concur
Hope: wishing for the best outcome.
Faith: believing any outcome will be good.
Conclusion: this words are NOT interchangeable; the dictionary does NOT revolve around Christianity. Don’t get so defensive because everyone has a different set of beliefs; even people of the same religious background interpret the same biblical passages differently. Take your religious debate somewhere else, people come here trying to get a clear definition and end up confused with the nonsense comments…
Hope is not wishing for the best outcome. Hope is having 100% firm confidence during trial and turbulation that things will be better. It’s not wishful thinking like many people including myself think.
Faith is knowing that the best outcome (the things that will be better) has already happened even if right now people don’t see it. And to me Faith is reinforced by the working partnership of humanity and divinity.
Example: the poor working class man through his hard works believes that “he is rich.” (Faith) and is 100% sure it will happen (Hope).
You’ve misunderstood both faith and hope.
= On Faith =
No major religion thinks faith stands against evidence. Not one (look it up). A definition for faith that doesn’t fit any major religion is not a good definition.
Faith is NOT trust despite evidence. This is true of all major religions. It is especially true of Christianity. The Greek word for faith in the Christian Bible is pistis = which means to be persuaded, to trust. At the very heart of the definition of Christian faith is the idea of being persuaded BECAUSE OF the evidence, not despite it. Christian faith is trust grounded in evidence.
The same way you trust Egypt exists, though you have never seen it, but because of the evidence you have seen (photos, stories, etc), I trust in God because of the evidence I have seen.
= On Hope =
Hoping is not wishing.
Hope is confidence about the future built on reasonable grounds. When I hope you will be here in 15 minutes, I have reason to expect it will happen.
By contrast, when I wish for something, I’m just stating something I’d like to have happen. There is no element of confidence based on reasonable grounds. I wish I would win the lottery, I wish elves bring me gold for my birthday.
=On Faith + Hope=
As to the difference, faith is an expression of *current* trust, grounded in evidence, while hope is a confidence about the *future* (built on trust / reasonable faith).
Having said all that, I *hope* you understand my point, I *wish* you would change your post, but I have *faith* that even if you don’t the world will go on spinning.
I would say faith is an intentional mind state, a mood, an assumption you make, you choose it independently of experience or facts. Always positive.
“I have faith that no matter what happens…
a. I can learn a karmic lesson
b. God loves me
c. We will figure this out eventually.”
I would say hope is a positive emotional response to a possible outcome, based on your personal analysis of the odds of the outcome.
“I hope….
a. The local theater is playing my favorite movie
b. I get a raise.
c. I fall in love.”
I have faith basically means “I believe.”
Hope basically means “I want.”
Most people understand hope as wishful thinking, as in “I hope something will happen” without any fact or reality that it might come true.
This is not what the Christian Bible means by hope. The biblical definition of hope is “confident expectation”. Hope is a firm assurance regarding things that are unclear and unknown.
Hope grows from our Faith in Jesus Christ.
This was composed wonderfully. HOPE: The acknowledgment of variables variables that have occurred (proof) in any given situation both positive and negative. It does not rely on a prediction.
FAITH: Information shared (religious and otherwise) on one set outcome (both positive and negative) of situations and ones autonomous belief that it is true without proof. The only proof here is the mere fact that individuals are waiting to see if in fact what they have faith in will actually occur.
I chose HOPE it has proven itself to be most reliable and reasonable. Every human being has discovered things do not always go according to plan. Throughout their journey on the hope of a positive outcome change says hello to us all. This is matter of fact* Faith like a dream is seen only in our minds eye.
So can someone who is non religious and without faith, not be hopeful?
People in their very nature are hopeful, but are not faithful without learning it first.
I feel hope is a desire and a wish to uncertainty.
Where as Faith is a action, put forth by undeniable belief, directly to a source that is omnipotent.
I was totally helped though according to my thinking