Difference Between Fate and Karma
Fate vs Karma
Fate and karma are very much related and sound the same. Some people think the two to be the same but they are very much different.
Karma can be described as something that you get based on what you put out. On the other hand Fate, which is also sometimes called as destiny is that will happen inevitably.
Fate can be called as something that is predetermined. It is something that has been written in your life even before you were born. By fate, it has been already decided that you shoul be born to certain parets, born at a ceratin place, have a wife and children and like that. Fate is that one cannot change.
On the other hand, Karma is the result of your actions. If you do something good, you will get good tings in return and if you do bad things, you will only encounter bad things.
Fate means that there are no choices in life; it is predetermined. On the contrary, karma means that there are choices in life. You have the right to choose the good and bad karma. But in fate, there is no choice of learning these lessons of life. Karma is related to the soul whereas fate is not.
When karma is related to one’s actions, fate is related to god’s will. In Karma, it is the human beings who have the control whereas human beings have no control of fate; it is the will of god.
It can also be said Karma comes from within a person and fate comes to you without your knowledge. Unlike karma, fate is something that has been already decided. You have control over Karma but you don’t have control over fate.
According to Hinduism, Karma or the actions that you do in the present life is passed on to the next life. But fate is not passed on to the next life.
1. Karma can be described as something that you get based on what you put out. On the other hand Fate, which is also sometimes called as destiny is that will happen inevitably.
2. Karma is the result of your actions.
3. Fate means that there are no choices in life; it is predetermined. On the contrary, karma means that there are choices in life.
4. When karma is related to one’s actions, fate is related to god’s will.
5. You have control over Karma but you don’t have control over fate.
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If I murdered someone in this lifetime, wouldn’t it mean that in my next life someone would murder me? according to the laws of karma.
Which would mean my the death in my next life would be predetermined (fate) would it not?
I think you should put the word karma in place of fate….and fate in the place of karma
Fate is our life you can’t change it. Karma is negotiable.
They are exactly the same thing. it’s the way how people explain Karma makes it sound different than fate. but it’s not. If you have to experience something in your present life and in your mind you think that it is caused by your “previous life karma” (if you had one) then you will think you did it to yourself (without any real knowledge, it’s just your assumption). You cannot change or do anything about it because you have to experience it. But if you think it’s fate then instead of thinking that you did it to yourself, you will think that God did it to you. Well at least God has mercy to forgive sins and change people’s life back to normal. In karma there is not such a thing. you are doomed. :))
A lot of people put in decades of positive work towards different goals only to find out that they have failed over and over and can and do end up in misery and or despair. They have routinely put positive energy into something yet have gotten nothing but negative results.
This is why I am not a fan of the idea of karma. It is another term that I’m sure has validity but by no means should it be a guidepost for life.
I believe that each and every choice we make and action we take changes our Karma and, thereby, changes our Fate. There is no ironclad Fate. We are not machines or slaves to a certain outcome. There are myriad options as to how we will turnup/end up and, most importantly, what we experience from day-to-day. It is my belief (and constant work) to be focused on this moment, NOW and really enjoy and LIVE this moment from our highest most loving and productive potential. We can leave the rest to Universal Law.
How many of us sit back and see ourselves doing something really positive for ourselves and/or others — something entirely within our capability — but never ever actually move into motion to accomplish that something? Those things we visualize and dream are our options, which will – once acted upon – open up more options in ways we cannot even see from our present view. You want a better view – raise up… climb … go higher. I believe that the key to this life and perhaps to our peace, joy and fulfillment is to overcome our biggest enemy ourselves. We (most of us anyway) are lazy and fearful and far too often settle for what we believe we “know.” Most of us get way too comfortable in our mediocrity. We box ourselves into the status quo. We blame it on “Fate” and when “life” throws us a curveball, we sit around and ask what we must have done in another life to deserve our lots here. IF we lived other lives — it got us to where we made our leaps into THIS one and we can pick up the baton any time we choose and make a glorious run for it. We are not stymied because of it. Remember: 99.9% of “Karma” and be erased by three little words, “No, thank you.”
We have to learn to be fluid, to get into motion and stay in motion. If you can see yourself doing it and it is well within your “possibilties” or even, seemingly, slightly out of reach, GO for it! DO it! BE it! We are writing this script ourselves. Endless options. UNlimited outcomes… numerous fates to choose from. When it all comes down to it – how we end up is none of this moment’s business. We are to do the best we can with NOW.
There have been times in my life that something appeared to be a dreadful happening, but later I could look back and see some immense good that came from it. Bad things happen in this life and sometimes it because of choices we made IN THIS LIFE and sometimes There are billions of people here on this earth. Sometimes we just bump into somebody else’s stuff.
We don’t have all the answers… at least not consciously. Many people want a treaty or script to live by. I believe that there are two fail safe ways to move forward and have major input into our “fate/karma.” They are:
1. Make the most of the present moment.
2. So long as none are willfully being harmed – source JOY.
3. The Golden: “DO UNTO OTHERS AS YOU WOULD HAVE DONE UNTO YOU.” (regardless of what you may perceive as their worthiness)
Remember: 99.9% of “Karma” can be erased by three little words, “No, thank you.”
How plane accident occurred in Moscow. How the passenger can predict. What wrong they have done to die. This is destiny, unpredictable. Karma , if effort is sincere and devoted , pain will be less and happiness seen.
If I kill one person in this life,
In next birth does he will kill me or not that same person. Does KARMA
Follows in NEXT BIRTH LIFE also????
Does karma(actions) followed by our FATE????
Does sins(papa) and bad karma will be cleared in this birth or it will be carried out by next birth life also ??