Difference Between Mexicans and Puerto Ricans
Mexicans vs Puerto Ricans
The United Mexican State, or Mexico, is located in North America bordered by the United States, the Pacific Ocean, Guatemala, Belize, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico. Its people are a mixture of the descendants of indigenous people; Mayans, Aztecs, Toltecs, Spanish colonizers, and several others more.
The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, or Puerto Rico, on the other hand, is a territory of the United States of America located in the Caribbean Sea near the Dominican Republic, the United States’ Virgin Islands, and the British Virgin Islands. Puerto Ricans are U.S. citizens so they are free to go to the mainland while Mexicans are not.
It was initially populated by the aboriginal Tainos who were almost wiped out with the arrival of Spanish colonizers who carried with them infectious diseases. Today, its people consist of the descendants of the Tainos, African slaves, and of the European colonizers.
While inhabitants of both countries belong to the ethnic group, Latino, and speak Spanish, they speak it differently. Mexican Spanish is slower, and their consonants sound more like “S” and “L” while Puerto Rican Spanish does not produce the “S” and “R” and leaves out the “D” and changes “R” to “L.”
Puerto Rican Spanish is closer to the Spanish spoken in parts of Spain than Mexican Spanish which is influenced by their indigenous roots although it is spoken clearer. When Mexicans speak, it is melodious as if they are singing. They also differ in the kinds of food that they eat. Mexicans have burritos, enchiladas, and tortillas while Puerto Ricans have arroz con pollo, tostones, ampanadillas, pastilijos, and plaintains.
Mexican food uses corn and beans and spices such as chilli, oregano, chocolate, chipotle, and many more. It is a mixture of indigenous and Spanish food. Puerto Rican food has Spanish, Taino, African, and American influences and uses ingredients that are native to the land.
They also differ in how they look with Mexicans either looking more like Indians or Mestizos while Puerto Ricans can be white and blond haired with blue eyes, mulatto with dark eyes and hair, or a shade in-between.
1.The United Mexican State is a country located in North America while the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is located in the Caribbean.
2.Mexican ancestors include Aztec and Mayan Indians as well as the Spaniards who colonized them while Pureto Rican ancestors include the Tainos, the Spaniards, and African slaves.
3.Mexican Spanish is clearer and more melodious compared to Puerto Rican Spanish; they also differ in grammar and pronunciation.
4.They have different cuisine. Mexicans use more beans, chillis, and spices while Puerto Ricans use plaintains and cassavas as well as other ingredients.
5.Puerto Ricans are free to enter and exit the United States as they please while Mexicans are not.
6.Some Puerto Ricans are darker skinned due to their African ancestors, but some are white or brown compared to 7.Mexicans who may resemble their Indian ancestors or their Spanish ancestors.
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Every human came from the creation of the universe. God planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he has formed, and the Lord God made trees that grew out of the ground that was pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil, the river watering of Eden flowed into four heads the Pishon; Gigon; Tigris; and Euphrates, which is the motherland. All human has black blood running through their veins. once you have a pinch of black blood you are black. Regardless of skin color hair texture.
I would like to clarify one thing. Mexicans do not have burritos as stated in the cuisine section. Mexicans in Mexico don’t eat burritos.
Your absolutley right i think when they categorize mexicans they only see an 1/8th of mexicams sounds more of stereo typing mexicans, in curious to what comparrison are they basing thier facts on? Obviiusly they have not been more towards the DF when the population of an island is only 3.2 billion! Thier cpmpsring an island of population of 3.2 billion when yet mexico exceeds far greatrr in sixe.My father is from Guadalajara and most of us are lihht skin blue eyes . I dont agree with thier theory in which they came up with
Please spell check your comment so that the message you are trying to convey will be heard and not lost in the numerous grammar and spelling mistakes.
Burritos are available in the state of Sonora which is Mexico’s largest state. They may be in Sinaloa and Baja California as well.
Sonora is nit the biggest state …its chihuahua
I would like to clarify one thing: Mexicans in Mexico do eat burritos. Probably in south Mexico people don’t eat as many burritos as we do in North Mexico, but we definitely eat burritos.
Yes my friend, both these countries have vast populations and can not be put into a box. There will always be exceptions. An example is the down play often given to the Indigenous contributions in Puerto Rico yet exceptions are found even on that small island. Individuals have been found in Guayanilla who test 39% indigenous quantum according to autosomal DNA test.
In any case I have found that focusing on commonalities instead of difference is often more productive.
Puerto Rico is not a country
Mexico does have a vast population (120 mil) as opposed to a few mil. in P.R.
Puerto Rico is a Commonwealth Island Associated with the USA. Learn Your History. We Also have 13 Sub Islands that many don’t know about,due to USA. Please, stop comparing Geographical size, and people.
first off Mexicans do eat burritos. Also Mexican food varies region to region. Saying it is not Mexican food is stupid because it is a flour Tortilla, refried beans, carne which are all Mexican. Then add a little queso and their you have it.
Also Mexicans also eat Arroz con Pollo and Pollo con calabaza y elote, and posole, menudo, tamales, Fajitas, chicken fajitas, taquitos, flautas, mole, carne guisada, and many more things. The list is endless because Mexico is a big country that also reached into the Southwest territories so many regions contributed to Mexican food.
Northern Mexican food is different from Southern Mexican food. Southern Mexican food is more Amerindian Messo American influenced but the cattle and big ranchos were mostly in the Northern states of Mexico and in Tejas and California. The flour tortilla is a hybrid version of the corn toritilla.
I would like to comment that Mexican cuisine looks and culture very from region to region some are ligjt skinned some dark Ian half roots go back to the Aztec tribe and am half Welsh we are a melting pot of nationalities and personalities so be proud of who you are and where you come from
Mexicans do not eat flour tortillas. They eat corn tortillas.
Oh yeah one more thing. Mexicans are more into music & dance that they developed like Mariachi, Norteno, Banda, Tejano or TexMex or Conjunto music and is more country type music as well as Mexican Rock and Pop. Their dances are based off their music.
Puerto ricans are more into African type music & dance like Salsa, Bomba y Plena, Reggeatton which was started in the Caribbean was brought to Panama due to Jamaicans going to work on the Panama Canal. They also love African American music like Rap, Hip Hop and R&B. Puerto Ricans also love Bachata music which comes from another Afro Hispanic country like the Dominican Republic. Salsa they got from Cuba which again is heavily African influenced.
Puerto Rican Music is like the canary Islands Aguinaldo and trio, we also have Bomba y Plena, Also have the Opera singer and in many one of the best Antonio Paoli also the first person to ever record a whole record. Plus danza and classical music. Pablo Cassals festival. Is too sad that the mainstream music is taking over all the good music.
Mexican woman are ugly but Puerto Rico has 5 Miss Universe.
Mexicans lady’s are fine were did you get that from Kenneth maybe they never enter a Miss Universe a** pipe.
Jose how you know it was Puerto Rican that stole your hub cap you got proof D*** weed.
There is beautiful and beauty in all we all were created by the only man himself GOD!
What an incredibly ignorant comment. Were you dumped by a Mexican woman? Lol! And btw, while you’re correct that Puerto Rico has had 5 Miss Universe winners, Mexico has had two (1991 and 2010). Get your facts straight. And in case you’re wondering, I’m actually Puerto Rican but am offended by your stupid generalization that Mexican women are ugly. Mexican women and men for that matter, are beautiful and exotic. Shame on you!
Negative comments like that always come from some ignorant low life that I bet is not even Mexican or Puerto Rican. Please ignore all the negative and ignorance stuff and focus on the positive. It will be wonderful to see a positive relationship between our people.
I am Puerto Rican and I feel the most beautiful women of the world are Latina PERIOD. what a stupid thing to say man. Probably a Gringo.
Tell Selma Hayek that! Mexicans have gorgeous women
Puerto Rico started salsa not the Cubans. Our food is way different than the Mexicans. We put real seasonings in all of our food.the Mexicans music is good but you guys dance like you are riding a horse..Puerto rico started the reggaeton music because our cousins from Jamaica gave us the right to have it…another thing when I see other people from south America or central America listening to reggaeton I laugh at them because the words that we say they don’t understand it.it like a Japanese listening to Chinese music they don’t understand our language or our culture…Latinos from those countries are very racist against Puerto Ricans because they know we have the best music and our food has sabor instead of bland like there’s..I rather eat rice and beans every day than eat something that has no flavor…proud to be Puerto Rican
Sorry…..i live in the south bronx and puerto rican food is fine but its all the same. The proof? Every single year in all of the united states of america, mexican food is either the number one or second to italian, which is my nationality. Puerto rican food is not even in the top 10, and that is year after year for decades. It is quite easy to look up. I dare you…look….
Salsa actually can from Spain not Cuba. Puerto Rico adopted salsa from the mother land. Salsa has African rhythms and taino rhythms and Spaniard..Cuba adopted salsa from Spain also.
This lacks actual information and but instead portrayed stereotypes.
Just to clarify in Mexico we have people who are light skinned, blond and have blue eyes. Not all Mexicans are dark and look like Indians. Also some Puerto Ricans are dark just like some Mexicans. This webpage is filled with stereotypes, you did a terrible job describing both cultures.
Superficial treatment of both cultures. Mex culture with so many more layers and being so huge in territory with differences in racial make up according to the region not to mention having the 2nd more diverse cuisine in the worlld after China. We can go on and on
yes, Mexico also has Afro Mexicans
I enjoyed and learned more from the comments than the seemingly over generalized article. Thanks.
Mexicans are already on the Mainland stupid they are from North America.
Another thing that makes me laugh is that you say Puerto ricans have American influence but if you see Mexican food has influenced American food. You see Chili, Doritos, Fritos, Burittos, Corn, Salsa, Nachos, Guacamole is all Mexican food inspired.
Some of that stuff you mention is all American commercial versions and what s known as Tex Mex and Guacamole is not American for God s sake
Although by how hugely popular Guacamole and all Mex cuisine and drinks have become you can tell Americans and others have embraced it with a passion. Don t blame any one as a Dominican myself I totally dig it
in addition of some favorite PR staples
Then you dont know what Puerto Rico has done Globally for food, music and sports. Check into Puerto Rico educate yourself and nothing will be funny about Puerto Ricans being leaders in so many things. Who cares if you have chilli a lot of people in the world dont want to burn their tongues eating that is rediculous for me.
First of all I’m going to say this Puerto Rican food is tastier because we use ingredients that came from Africa.mexican foods is good to but the ingredients we Puerto Ricans use puts the food where is should be tasty..
We eat and drink ;shut the same way care close
We were all created by God! We are all equal!
I can tell from reading that the author is Puerto Rican or knows more about Puerto Rico…
Then you don’t know shit either or you’re Mexican!
U know what I’m just tired of people thinking that I’m white and that I’m not Latina just because Puerto Rican’s can come to the U.S without a passaport *** and Mexicans can’t I’m literally here because my so called friend is literally arguing with me saying that I’m American / white and not Latina and I do know that Puero Rico is in fact a commonwealth it DOES NOT mean that I’m white and also I’m tired of people thinking that every food in Cuba/Republica Dominicana /Puerto Rico/ is spicy and if u say Puerto Rican food doesn’t have flavor then a PUERTO RICAN didn’t cook that .
I couldn’t agree more!!
She’s just jelous she’s not your friend. Tell her why she mad we have less than half there pop and outbeat them in boxing sports music looks accents. With there wack ass music disgusting accents amd ghoulish looks. Also tell her we fought in the war for America and were the best soldiers in world war 1 and continued from there. I bet your in middle school or highschool Mexicans are mad insecure and want to act black so want to feel like victims. When if you go to mexico you need a visa she’s just a wannabe black chick not all Mexicans or Puerto Ricans for that matter are the same. We’re all great people, she’s just not a friend just like a pr could not be a friend you just got to find good people who love themselves and will love you back.
I just don’t get some people they always telling lies..Puerto Rican food is way better than any other Spanish country food.when Puerto Ricans cook they put love into their food.i have tried food from different latino countries there food is like bland..they use corn and beans in every thing they eat..Puerto Ricans we use sofrito and sazon and Adobo..
No offense, but Puerto Ricans are rude, and have huge foreheads!
They, Puerto Ricans act like their shit doesn’t stink. They only like their own race mainly. They are NOTHING like black people!
I am of Puerto Rican descent from NY and I just found out my last name came from a Mexican immigrant who worked in PR in the 1800s. Ancestry .com had the info. I have brown skin. I am the darker kind.. my head is big but not my forehead.I don’t think I’m better than anyone. I do love my heritage and also am proud to find out there is Mexican blood in my veins as well as well as African. I believe that if a boat brought him over from Mexico, he wasn’t the only Mexican who arrived in Puerto Rico in the 1800s. So I know there is Mexican blood in some people in Puerto Rico. We are all brothers and sisters at the end of the day.
You made the most vivivid point on here
First of all they don’t want to be Black…are you high in opium???? Secondly, maybe the “low class ones” you’ve met…because most aren’t like what you described. Now don’t get me started on “some” Black people..who smell like bad breath and leather like “Shabba Ranks” and urine and cocoa butter.
This comment is directed to Stephanie….also I would like to add..that the word is Empanadas or Empanadillas..and we don’t make Pastelillos it’s “Pasteles”…Alcapurrias, Mofongo, Pernil and Lechon, Bacalaitos, Flan, Tembleque, Papas Rellenas, Arroz con Corned Beef, Coquito, and (The Pina Colada) which was invented in Puerto Rico as well as (Champagne Cola)..we also make Bacardi, Coffee, Wine and were the number one manufacturers of Sugar Cane back in the day…and we’re the original owners and makers of Corona Beer which was sold to Mexico.
Bacardi Rum is in Cataño, Puerto Rico, Road 165; this rum is from a Cuban industry. The company distillery in Cataño, in the suburbs of San Jose, Puerto Rico, is the largest rum distillery in the world. For much of its history Bacardi was also the world’s largest producer of rum. … The story of Bacardi begins in 1830, in the thriving Catalan community of the Cuban city of Santiago de Cuba.
Puerto Rican Rum is: Don Q, Ron Llave, Tito’s Vodka, Granada, Medalla Beer among many more.
There is a very large diversity of races in our country. I even had a half sister who is mexican.
I love Mexico and have been to Cancun; Puerto Morelos, Cuidad de Mexico, Mazatlan etc etc.
Let there be peace between everyone. Mexico’s story is huge and beautiful. I invite every to look up the history of both countries.
People from all over the world live in PR as in Mexico.
Not all blacks was raised like you and your family!! L O G A N47
Yea Stefanie you got that right. Puerto Rican’s are nothing like Black people. They don’t continue to complain they’ve been shit on, they have the highest rate of serving their country than any other ethnic or minority group, low rate of single mothers, low rate of men who are incarcerated, low rates of families on welfare, need I go on? Oh and they respect other races and nationalities, especially black people, because some of Puerto Rico’s ancestors are of African American descent. Oh and one obvious one you show you lack, they’re highly educated in comparison. No offense intended, just stating the facts.
First we are not all rude cause hell I see more Mexican women look at me up n down here in Texas then any other woman n being rude or thinking someone wants their man n it’s cause how we look exotic n beautiful but it’s not my fault we are beautiful people inside n out not saying Mexicans are ugly cause I have a few beautiful friends that are from Mexico but i can say the say as u said n said we have big foreheads right well Mexicans have no ass at all
I’m going to tell you something hippocrit we Puerto Ricans don’t act like that. Only Puerto Ricans that were born in the United states.im no better than the next latino or Latina they are my people no matter what.and I have a daughter that is half Puerto Rican and half Mexican so before you talk out the side of your mouth get it right..
Which black people? The ones in Africa? The ones in Jamaica or Haiti? The ones found in India? The Negriotos of the Philipines? Or Afro Americans in the USA? All these have different cultures and ways of behaving. Also, there are Afro Latinos who aren’t as mixed with Europeans as Afro Americans are. These are found i Puerto Rico as well especially in Loisa Aldea.
Dumbass gringo…is your name Donald ny any chance?
Stefanie, lol you’ve opened yourself up on this one. A black personal saying Puerto Rican’s have large foreheads? Shall I let you in on a secret on what you’re mocked for? I won’t go there though because it would be rude and a generalization, racist and inappropriate. Go to Church and ask God for forgiveness. Shame on you!
Bitch you rude as fuck. Go fuck your Mexican mother bitch.fuck out of here with that bullshit. Fucking Mexican woman are fucking ugly as fuck and smell like burnt food.
Mexico is in Central America. Its characteristics are spanish speaking, poor and un-educated.
Do not group Mexico with Canada and the United States, which are part of North America.
You are a f i**t saying that Mexico is central America. As well with saying that it is Spanish speaking, poor and uneducated. Did you know that they have the oldest university in north american known as the national autonomous university of Mexico? Older than Harvard and with nobel prizes. You ignorant , probably has never looked at a map or gone to the country. Just needing to talk st, hermit a*. Please don’t ever give out your opinion, ever even if you think you’re in titled to. Travel, learn, educated, and expose yourself.
Mexico is in Central America? And what grade did you complete?
What i want to know is why people, even puerto ricans themselves, pronounce the islands name as, porto rico. Sounds like porto potty. That is so bad. Puerto Ricans have no self respect
Idk what Puerto Rican’s your talking about …. probably the one speaking mfs… but Puerto Rican do have self respect … st…
its called boriken. If you pronounced it correctly , it wouldnt sound like that.
Boriquen is the real word
its called boriken. If you would’ve pronounced it correctly, it wouldn’t sound like that.
Puerto Ricans can change their color to black whenever “It suits them”. They Lie, Cheat and steal. Always face them and NEVER turn your back on them.
I wish I could meet you because you wouldn’t need to turn your back but you would need facial reconstruction surgery. We Puerto Rican’s are wonderful people and sometimes get a bad rep because we react to people like you….I’m assuming you are not Latino and are an American…. which pisses me off because America has fuck over Puerto Rico for so many years and have no room to say anything about Puerto ricans
Now that doesn’t make any sense, you were started out bad and went to worse.
Mario Millan, you’re a bastrd….who the f*** do you think you are putting “all” Puerto Ricans underneath one big stupid stereo type??? You’re probably the wanna be Italian that thinks because he can mumble two or three words he’s Italian or whatever the f*** you are…or the hidden racist type when you’re around people and a punk coward…you’re just a white trash piece of s***.
You do you, want what We are all alike so do start w/t/b/s none of us are better so quit your /s. Love you all. WM from P.R
So Mario, how do Americans pronounce your last name? There’s a very high probability that you’re not even pronouncing it correctly. Is it like “mill-ann” or “mil-un”, mil-lahn” or is it “Mee-yan”? Who gives a shit! But I’m sure you’re so well respected everyone knows how to pronounce your name…
Lmaoooo the end of this comment section. Puerto Rican or Mexican, we are all crazy and spicy af
Puerto Ricans are scu. Mexicanos are not.
Puerto Ricans are two faced liars that turn their backs on each other. They cheat and steal from each other. Mexican are of a higher class. Way higher.
“Zapa” hell f**kin no….maybe the f**cked up ones you’ve met…cause we aren’t all like that bro…don’t put everyone under one class because you met a few ***holes. I’ve met a few Mexicans like you mentioned and some awesome ones and I know for a fact not all are the same.
Lol you sound real butt hurt about Puerto Ricans. We are awesome and who cares what a Mexican or anyone else thinks of us. We are Gods children and if you think you are better you are very mistaken.
lol you’re just completely wrong. Mexico has one of the world’s highest rate of violence and is in the bottom of rankings for quality of life in the world. Why do you think so many gringos want to build the wall?? You’d be better off being nice and polite to your Puerto Rican brothers my friend. Americans actually view you and your country the way you view Puerto Rican’s lol
Well , Zappa you obviously have no idea what you are talking about. It is not a Mexican’s are better than Puerto Rican’ . That my children and grandchildren are 1/2 Mexican and 1/2 Puerto Rican. We are called Mexi-Rican . And in all nationalities there are bad and good people. So educate yourself before you speak , as you have insulted a new breed of Latino!
If our country incorporated mexico as a state we would be one of the strongest nation’s on this planet. The resources, the man power, our military would be unstoppable.
We should incorporate mexico the resources and manpower alone would justify this decision. I have worked with Mexicans all my year’s of working they are some of the hardest working son of a guns I’ve ever met my sister’s married Mexicans great people.
Mexicans are good people until you go out and one of the millions of Mexican thieves steal your money
I wish I could say the same for some P.R’S I’ve met or worked with.
If a Mexican is married yo your sisters then I’m sure there not talking about how lazy Puerto ricans are cause I bet they are smart people if not you can just say how there music is hlgarbage no-one listens to disgusting accents and virtually unwanted it’s rare to see a Mexican marry anyone other than Mexican unless they are American wich do not work hard cause are Americanized. None admires ya but yall, you prolly are Mexican you weirdo I’m fact is go so far as to say you are lol.
I would like to clarify. Y’all stupid! Viva Dominicans!
Mexican woman are ugly compared to Puerto Rican beutiful woman who has 5 Miss Universe titles and is a small island.
Sir, you are rude! I’m Mexican American and I know I’m gorgeous. Sadly, you don’t have a photo to prove your looks. You’re probably an ugly midget
I am Puertorican and proud!! Puertorican and Mexican we are all mix with all kind of races and we dont care about what color other peoples are!! Mexican women are beautiful as puertoricans too!! And we all are fighting against racism and we should stick together and help those who can’t help them self!! And if you mix puertorican and mexican food you will create a very delicious culinary art!! Mmmm!! Mexirican food!!
Amen brother!! Thank you for your post. It’s kind of sad to see the prejudice among Mexicans towards Puerto Rican’s and vice versa. Maybe they’re jealous Puerto Rican’s get citizenship? lol just a joke. I love all my Latino brothers and sisters!
I am Boricua and my woman is mexican and we have very beautiful childrens!! Mexirican are beautiful!!
I hate Mexicans they wanna be black so bad that’s why they always wanna say niga and call each other that word then they swear they Puerto Rican they wanna listen to are music and dance to it which is reggaeton and tryna say our music is there music which is not but tell Latino’s that look like me that are brown skin and have the same hair texture as mines or that are dark skin that they not Latino and claim they don’t like Latinos that look like me♂️
You know what you are telling the truth about that. The words that daddy yankee and don Omar and a negro de reggaeton is tengo Calderon.some of our words we say in our music is different for them. When we say socio that means homeboy to the Mexican people is your girl is messing around on you with your friends. But all of south America and Mexico think they know what we are saying.they need to go back to school and learn what real Spanish is..
Mexicans smuggle drugs. Mexicans are criminals.
Mexicans are rapists
But I suppose some are good people.
Puerto Rico and Puerto Ricans well we’ve got the complain to Teddy Roosevelt about that.
Puerto Rican steel hubcaps. I’m still trying to find my hubcaps to my 1976 Oldsmobile I know a Puerto Rican must have stole them
No Jose, it was the Mexican that was sleeping with your girlfriend and your mother…
It is unfortunate that for the slang of some uneducated people they say all Puerto Ricans change the R to L, this is more common on people of housing projects .
I am both Mexican and Puerto Rican. This whole Mexicans are mostly dark while Puerto Ricans are light is incorrect. My father a puerto rican man was dark skinned dark eyes. My mother a Mexican women is light skinned, very light eyes. Not all Puerto Ricans switch R to L. I speak proper spanish. This post sounds really biased and should not be taken seriously.
I agree 100%. This article is a biased opinion.
This is so sad between Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. I’m a grandmother Of three they are mixed with Puerto Rican, Mexican, Chilean and Cuban. Reading all the comments that I see made me sad because were all under one umbrella I should say one big umbrella. We are made with so much differences in the cuisine and the music in the beauty among both cultures. I pray that one day everyone will come together and realize were all one. I am proud to be Puerto Rican. But I’m proud to live in a world with so much differences. I am blessed to have Mexican friends Honduras friends Dominican friends Colombian friends, I could go on and on and on. I am very blessed!!!
Coming from a Mexican Spanish upbringing I find it hard to listen to Puerto Rican/Dominican Spanish without a feeling of irritation. Am I the only one?
As a Mexican, I personally have never understood why general discussion causes so much angst among both Mexicans and Puerto Ricans. I mean if we said Americans eat Pizza, burgers and Mac & Cheese, is it wrong? I also don’t think it’s an insult to name a type of food a group might eat.
I honestly feel you could get 10 Mexicans from different areas and 10 Puerto Ricans and ask them what they think their differences are. You’ll probably get different answers. All this article did was try to make it simple. To expect any article to contain the entirety of how deep, rich and complex each culture is, is simply asking too much.
I think you got the gist, but wanted to come and complain anyway. It was a short, sweet and concise description. I feel many could find it useful, but as with all cultural things, take what you need and leave the rest if you don’t like it.
I love the comments here but you get one side or the other. I am Puerto Rican, grew up in the island, went to College in NY, and now live in the Southwest. Having been exposed to many Latin American cultures, I can tell you that there are more similarities than differences. We share a language, religion, and one ethnic background that’s common.
The rest is different based on locality. Even within a country like Mexico there are variations. What that means is that while the culture from the north of Mexico is quite different from that of Puerto Ricans, the culture from the South of Mexico is much closer. We even have similar foods, although names will vary.
To give you an idea, it probably feels quite similar for an American Anglo to visit England. After all, you share the same language and up to a certain point similar customs. Well, a Puerto Rican or Mexican will feel more related to each other than to say someone from England.
I live in the southwest now, right on the border with Mexico, and I can tell you I felt more of a similarity with the culture here than upstate NY. My family has visited me and they have said the same thing. It’s hard to tell who is Puerto Rican, Mexican, Argentinian, Cuban, Venezuelan, etc., in this part of the US. I’ve had many experiences where I’ve been confused as a Mexican even by Puerto Ricans. And I’ve confused other Latinos for Mexicans, even Puerto Ricans just on looks. We all have what we call “mancha” that’s difficult to discern even among us until we open our mouth to speak Spanish. Just when you see a Puerto Rican and you know for sure he is, they open their mouth and you find they are Peruvian.
Hispanics are so blended ethnically that we come in all colors, no matter the country of origin. And by the way, Spaniard are a mix of European, Arabs, Jews, North Africans, etc., and so we inherited all those physical traits. You will find a lot of Spaniards that look just like any other Hispanic in the New World. Latin Americans just have natives and Central Africans added to the equation. And don’t forget Irish, Italians, Germans, etc. were major migrants to Latin America. Jim Crow laws didn’t exist in Latin America, so mixing was the rule from day 1. Ask the natives!