Difference Between Air Force and Army
A robust and self-reliant defense system is the pillar on which the military capability of any nation rests. Defense system is a military strategy, a type of shield that protects the independence, sovereignty, rights and laws of a nation against forces, both domestic and foreign. This is why a nation forms an Army or Air Force or navy to protect the country and its people from all kinds of attacks. Military strategy prescribes how military instruments are employed to achieve the desired goals set by a nation’s defense policy. And it is every nation’s mission to defend its people through the control and exploitation of air and land. While most defense personnel are active on the ground, many are tasked with flying missions. That being said, Air Force, Navy and Army are the three wings of a nation’s military structure. But we will be discussing only the two – Air Force and Army – and their roles in achieving national objectives.
What is Air Force?
Air Force is one of the key branches of the military that typically operates as a separate branch of armed forces with a sole mission to protect the nation and its people through air and space exploitation. It is the air arm of the military that deals with aerial warfare, distinct from an army or navy. The Air Force normally favors strategic bombing – a well-planned military strategy involving aerial bombardment with a sole mission to destroy a nation’s ability to wage war – as opposed to tactical bombing in support of a land war. Although, the Air Force focuses on flying missions, a few personnel actually fly. Typically, Air Force rules the sky, provides air support to land and naval forces, and to defend and fight against enemy forces. The main purpose is to conduct strategic military operations using aircraft.
What is Army?
Army is the ground unit of the military that deals with threat faced on the ground. It is the land-based military unit of the armed forces trained for ground combat incorporating advanced technologies into its arsenal including weapons, equipment and doctrine. The Army mainly deals with challenging tasks like combat search and rescue, combat transportation, artillery lifts, military prisoner transportation, ground warfare, and more. The Army’s mission is to not only serve and protect the nation and its people, but also to protect vital national interests and fulfill military responsibilities concerning national security. The Army is a globalized combat-ready force that works to defend a nation and its allies, strategically by land. It’s more like a family that drives service personnel to accomplish tasks for a common mission. The Army is a rich collection of beliefs, values, discipline, unity and work.
Difference between Air Force and Army
– The Air Force is the air unit of the military that deals with aerial warfare, distinct from an army or navy. Although, Air Force is a military branch that focuses on aviation, it is also involved sometimes in land-based activities. The Army, on the other hand, is a the ground unit of the military specialized in ground combat using advanced technologies into its arsenal including weapons, equipment and doctrine. The Army is a globalized combat-ready force that works to defend a nation and its allies, strategically by land.
– The Army’s mission is to not only serve and protect the nation and its people, but also to protect vital national interests and fulfill military responsibilities concerning national security. The Army works towards a common mission that is to fight and win nation’s wars by providing sustained land dominance. The sole mission of Air Force is to protect the nation and its people through air and space exploitation. The Air Force normally favors strategic bombing, as opposed to tactical bombing in support of a land war.
Core Values
– The Army is a rich collection of beliefs, values, discipline, unity and work. Military is all about service and its core values. Army service personnel are all about their core values which are loyalty, duty, respect, honor, integrity, courage, and service. The core values of Air Force are something every Air Force personnel duly follow. The Air Force core values are integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do. These core values are commitments that each member of the Air Force family makes when joining.
Air Force vs. Army: Comparison Chart
Summary of Air Force vs. Army:
While Air Force and Army are the two separate branches of the military of a nation, they work towards a common goal – to serve and protect the independence, sovereignty, rights and laws of a nation against forces, both domestic and foreign. And it’s their mission to defend the nation and its people through the control and exploitation of air and land. While Army is the ground unit of the military trained for ground combat, Air Force focuses on aerial missions, whether it involves strategic bombing or providing aerial support for ground troops during active missions. While both the military units have different missions, they serve the country and work to protect the vital national interests.
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[0]Image credit: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:USAF_logo.png
[1]Image credit: https://www.army.mil/e2/c/images/2018/02/20/507321/size0.jpg
[2]Reveron, D. and Judith H. Stiehm. Inside Defense: Understanding the U.S. Military in the 21st Century. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2016. Print